US News
Letters to the Editor: Biden is a great president. He should serve the country by stepping aside
To the editor: President Biden’s winning strategy would be for him to step aside and allow others to take over the Democratic mantle. (“Biden says he’s an optimist. But his dire warnings about Trump are central to his campaign,” Nov. 19)
He has achieved a lot for the American people during the last three years as president, and he should be justifiably proud of his record. For him to give up the wish voluntarily for a second term would not be a blemish on his outstanding career and service to the country.
Americans love their leaders to exude confidence and vigor. Biden does not fit that mold.
He claims he wants to finish the job with a second term. He can rest assured that any of the younger Democrats waiting in the wings will do that for him against the onslaught by the reactionary Republicans who have given up any pretense to being a party of law and order.
Biden should do the country a huge favor by giving up on his personal ambition to serve two terms as president.
Charles Blankson, Menifee
To the editor: The upcoming presidential election is about much more than just Biden vs. former President Trump. It’s about the people they surround themselves with.
As he has demonstrated, Trump will lean on friends, family and business associates whose main interests are themselves and Trump, not what’s best for the country. Not only is Trump unfit for office, but the people he hires are unfit as well.
On the other hand, Biden has and will continue to appoint competent people who believe in taking action to improve the country. You can quibble about Biden’s age if you like, but he has good people around him who live in reality, believe in science and respect the laws of the country.
In short, Biden wants to strengthen democracy, not undermine it.
Dave Courdy, Huntington Beach
This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.