Let's Talk About Money With Middle Schoolers
They say it’s tacky to talk about money. But financial literacy begins with conversations. And those conversations should start as early as possible. That’s why we’ve put together these money conversation starters for tweens and teens. Download them now and start talking!
What are these money conversation starters all about?
We wrote these with middle schoolers in mind. You’ll find engaging topics and questions like:
- Your teammate wants a new pair of sneakers but can’t afford them right now. What advice would you give her?
- You have $100 to last you a month. Would you plan to spend $25 a week? Would you budget $3 a day? Or would you spend it all right away?
- Would you lend a friend $50? How about $20? Why or why not? Does the amount change your answer?
We’ve covered everything from college and credit cards to charitable giving and checking accounts.
Note: You know your class best. Feel free to edit or skip any conversation starters that may not be relevant to your students and/or not apply to their homes or communities.
How do I use the conversation starters?
- Download the PowerPoint or make a copy of the Google Slides. (For the Spanish versions, click on the buttons at the bottom of the page.)
- Display the conversation starters one at a time on your screen. (We like the idea of doing one a day.)
- Open the topic up for responses, discussion, and respectful debate. Alternatively, have students reflect or respond in writing before you bring the whole group together.
Kimmie Fink
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