The use of Clomid to increase testosterone levels has been in practice for many years.  Clomid is the preferred treatment to increase testosterone levels in men who want to maintain fertility options because testosterone replacement products (Testim, Androgel, etc) can decrease sperm production.  Over time, the use of testosterone can shut down sperm production by the testes.  This stoppage can be permanent in some men.  Thus, men who wish to maintain fertility only have a few options.

One option for men is to “freeze” (cryopreserve) their sperm before starting testosterone replacement therapy.  If testosterone replacement products (Testim, Androgel, etc) shut down sperm production, the frozen samples can be used for fertility treatment (intrauterine insemination or in-vitro fertilization). 

The other option is to use Clomid.  Clomid is not FDA-approved in men.   Although we have years of data and clinical trials that show its effectiveness in increasing testosterone levels, it has never garnered FDA approval for men.   Men use Clomid to increase their testosterone levels.  Clomid works by stimulating more testosterone release from the testes and men continue to produce sperm.

Clomid is used off-label and may not be covered by some insurance plans.  It comes in a generic formulation that is very affordable.  Clomid is usually dosed at 50mg every other day.  Dosing can be adjusted to reach goal testosterone levels.

Clomid is well tolerated with the most frequent side effects being headaches and visual disturbances.  Both are reversible once the medication is stopped. 

In some men, estrogen levels will increase.  If estrogen levels get too high, we use anastrozole to block the conversion from testosterone to estrogen.

Clomid can be an effective treatment option for men who have low testosterone and want to maintain fertility options. If you want to start Clomid and are ready to bank your sperm, contact us today.

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Michael Werner, MD, FACS

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