Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene:
These two dimwitted & deranged divorcees
Have made their ex-husbands so happy now
Finally free from these stupid skanks’ idiocy.
Lauren “The Lush” Boebert is majorly pissed
That Marjorie Traitor Greene isn’t her friend.
Frenemies is more like it, no solidarity here
Except for their shared hatred of the queers.
These two terrible twits make people sick!
Having to listen to their stupid GOP bullshit:
First Bill Clinton was blown by a young Jew
How dare the sax-playing,
non-inhaling fool!
Lindsey Graham wished he was on his knees
Giving that blowjob to Mr. Bill – not Lewinsky!
So the Greedy Old Perverts of the GOP had
To impeach Clinton to protect fake morality.
While Lauren’s ex Jayson whips out his thing
At Colorado bowling alleys for all kids to see
Lauren lies about having been a paid escort
This has her former friend Marjorie so upset
Which is why obscene Greene called Boebert
“A LITTLE BITCH” on TV, but no cat fight yet.
Put that moronic matchup on
Every Democrat I know would watch that shit
Because who doesn’t want to see those two
Racist Republican wenches mud wrestling?
Like the fascist pigs they are, they’d love it.
Dirty and filthy these two
pigs-in-a-pen be
So get the bikinis on and get in the mud, GOP
And make perv Ted Cruz say:
“Me so horny!”

Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA

P.S. — You can find out more about me and my widely published writings by clicking on the link:

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Signed: Jake Pickering

Jake Pickering

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