Last day for Albany residents to take marijuana survey – Medical Marijuana Program Connection
ALBANY, N.Y.(NEWS10) —The City of Albany continues to prepare for legal marijuana sales, but today is the last day for residents to let them know what kind of dispensaries they would like to see and also how the tax revenue should be spent.
Right now, the city’s zoning will only allow for locations primarily in the warehouse district and south end. The survey aims to get feedback about how tax revenue from marijuana sales will go back into the community.
Fashintii Gill-Jaycos is a Pine Hills resident who says that education must be part of any plans.
“I’m open for it, as long as people understand about what goes into their bodies and what products they are actually using – [then] I’m all for it,” Gill-Jaycos said.
Jasmine Higgins is the Chief Equity Officer for the City of Albany, and she says that many will like to see more options when it comes to purchasing marijuana.
“We’ve heard from the community that people would like to see that expanded and make it more in line with general retail, kind of like restaurants and bars, things of that nature,” Higgins said.
Juan Footman says that he would like to see more mobile options.
“Maybe like a big mobile priestess. They have that so that you can go in there…get lots of different flavors or types,” he said.
A mobile option can also address Robert Stahl’s…
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