This week we’ve laughed as a golden retriever watches a scary movie with her support pillow, and loved the moment a dog that was almost euthanized for being “too old” enjoyed her first puppuccino.

As well as viral pet stories, our readers have been sending candidates for the Newsweek Pet of the Week.

If you want your pet to be next week’s Pet of the Week, don’t forget to follow the instructions at the end of this article to get involved.


Gatsby, the ragdoll kitten, loves his ball pit.
Debbie Pellettiere

This week’s winner is Gatsby, a ragdoll cat who loves playing in his very own ball pool.

Just 5 months old, Gatsby lives with owner Debbie Pellettiere in Elysburg, Pennsylvania.

“I got him after my 13-year-old dog Marley had to be put to sleep, “Pellettiere told Newsweek. “We are in the kitten stage. Ragdolls are known for being docile and lap cats. This is him in his ball pit pool.”

Ragdoll cats originated in the 1960s when a woman named Ann Baker from California selectively bred domestic cats to create what is now known as the gentle and affectionate ragdoll.

Famed for going limp when being picked up, hence their name, they are a sought-after family pet.

But the docile nature doesn’t mean they don’t like a bit of playtime, too. Gatsby’s owner explained his favorite things are toys, cuddles and scratches under his chin.

Above all, though, Gatsby is a great comfort and friend to his owner. “I went through the most heartbreaking year,” she said. “My son passed away last September, and his dog died two months after that. Then Marley had to be put to sleep.

“My friends got me this kitten to help me get through my grief, which I’ll never get through, but having to take care of this little guy is helping a little bit,” she said.


Rex the dog
Two-year-old pit bull and terrier mix Rex lives in Spanish Fort, Alabama, with owner Michael Miller.
Michael Miller

Our first finalist this week is Rex, a 2-year-old Pit Bull and Terrier mix who lives with owner Michael Miller in Spanish Fort, Alabama.

“I got him as a puppy and saved his life,” Miller told Newsweek. “He was almost dead when I got him.”

With fleas and ticks all over him, Miller rescued the pup who now lives a life of comfort and happiness.

“He loves to take car rides and sleep in my bed with me,” said his owner. “I love everything about him, he is a great do and also likes stuffed animals.”

Brie the dog
Brie, a Chihuahua, was rescued from an extreme hoarding situation and now lives with her owner in Oakland, California.
Kara Jacobs

Our next finalist this week is Brie, a Chihuahua who was rescued from an extreme hoarding situation and ended up in a shelter in Oakland, California.

“We’ve had her about eight months,” owner Kara Jacobs told Newsweek. “And during that time, she’s grown from a fearful little dog to Queen of All.”

Jacobs joked that Brie hasn’t lost her hoarding roots. “She has taken to hiding things in her box—she especially likes paper and bright shiny things like my jewelry,” said the owner. “Her superpower is chewing up the covers of library books.”

Recently, the family was almost struck by tragedy when Brie was startled during a storm. “Brie escaped and ran away during a thunderstorm on her third day in her new home. We are so grateful she came back to grace us with her antics,” said Jacobs.

Kyia the dog
Five-year-old Kyia is now “completely spoiled” after being rescued at just 10 months old.
Shauna Cohen

Last but not least this week is Kyia who was adopted by owner Shauna Cohen when she was just a few weeks old.

“She is now 5 and completely spoiled,” Cohen told Newsweek. “She has always been so gentle and happy.”

Adopted from Safe Hands Rescue in Minneapolis, Minnesota, she is now living her best life. Cohen told Newsweek: “She loves everyone and everything.”

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to [email protected] with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.

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