On Thursday, former President Donald Trump left his home in Bedminster, New Jersey, to make a court appearance in Washington, D.C., at US District Court. Upon arrival, he was placed under arrest, processed, and arraigned.

Appearing before Magistrate Judge Moxila Upadhyaya, Trump pleaded not guilty.

Outside the courthouse, Trump’s attorney Alina Habba spoke to reporters, addressing the timeline of the President’s indictments. She strongly argued that every time allegations have arisen against the “Biden Crime Family,” the Department of Justice under President Joe Biden has indicted Trump.

“I think a witch hunt is really the way that anybody should describe this because it’s not something we’ve seen in our time,” Habba said, accusing opponents of fearing an independently wealthy figure who “has given up his good life to fight for this country.”

Habba vowed to request discovery to prove the illegitimacy of the 2020 election – something the Democrats fear the most.

Just hours after his arraignment, Trump appeared unexpectedly at a wedding taking place at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Guests greeted the former President with a warm welcome, and chants of “USA!” rang out as he entered the venue.

Trump then offered a brief message to the newlywed couple, turning an ordinary wedding into a moment that those in attendance are likely never to forget.


Jim Hᴏft

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