Jimmy Kimmel Openly Fantasizes About Death Of Donald Trump
The radically liberal late night host Jimmy Kimmel has long been one of the most anti-Donald Trump people in the entertainment world. However, he hit a new low during his show on Thursday night when he openly fantasized about Trump dying.
Kimmel Fantasizes About Trump’s Death
Kimmel spent much of his opening monologue attacking Trump, touching on his legal battles as he showed once again just how obsessed he is with the former president.
“Let me tell you something — if those three judges he appointed to the Supreme Court take this case and rule against him, he is going to blow a whale-sized windmill out of his a**. I mean, it might actually kill him,” Kimmel said.
“Sometimes I wonder, once Trump is dead and and gone and buried on the 18th hole of one of his golf courses, will things get better?” he continued. “Or will we have a whole new crop of MAGA brains to deal with?”
Kimmel also talked about Trump being photographed with red splotches on his hands earlier this week, saying that this is “a common symptom of syphilis.” Referring to Trump once saying that avoiding STDs was his “personal Vietnam,” Kimmel added, “but if he has syphilis, that would mean the only Vietnam he avoided was Vietnam.”
Related: Jimmy Kimmel Shamelessly Uses Oscars To Push His Own January 6 Footage Agenda
Kimmel Brings Up Melania And Barron
Sinking even lower, Kimmel said that the former First Lady Melania Trump wouldn’t be in danger of getting syphilis if her husband has it because the couple “hasn’t slept in the same bed since… how old is Barron?”
“It’s probably ketchup,” Kimmel stated. “He probably got his hands in a container of curly fries or something.”
Kimmel went on to speculate how Trump would handle it if one of his political opponents was pictured with red splotches on their hands.
“He’d be all over it. He’d talk about it for years. He’d be posting in all-caps about ‘Meatball Ron DeSyphilis’ and ‘Nikki Herpes,’” Kimmel said. “But they haven’t brought it up.”
Check out this full monologue in the video below.
Related: Jimmy Kimmel Calls For Trump To Be Arrested For ‘Despicable And Incoherent Attack On Democracy’
Kimmel’s Meltdown Over Iowa Caucus
Earlier this week, Kimmel had a full meltdown over Trump’s massive victory in the Iowa Caucus.
“Even though he barely spent any time in Iowa, he somehow made voters love him more,” Kimmel said, according to Newsweek. “It’s the same strategy he used raising [his sons] Eric and Don Jr.”
Kimmel then played a clip in which Trump celebrated his victory by saying, “These caucuses are your personal chance to score the ultimate victory over all of the liars, cheaters, thugs, perverts, frauds, crooks, freaks, creeps and other quite nice people.”
“It’s like he’s reading his own LinkedIn résumé,” Kimmel said in response. “I mean, seriously. It’s no self-awareness whatsoever.”
After playing a clip of insults that Trump had leveled at his detractors, Kimmel concluded by saying, “Yeah, that’s him. That’s exactly him. That’s the guy.”
Check out that monologue in the video below.
Kimmel’s latest below-the-belt attacks on Trump shows just how afraid the media is of the former president coming out victorious in this year’s presidential election. He can rant against Trump all he wants to, but in the end, he’s not going to sway any voters, as the few people who still watch Kimmel are just as crazily liberal as the late night host is.
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