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Jim Jordan Lies And Says The Left Defunded The Police, But Police Funding Has Increased


Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) lied and said that the left defunded the police when police funding increased under Democrats

Jordan tweeted:

Just reminding you Jim Jordan is lying.

An ABC News analysis found:

ABC Owned Television Stations examined the budgets of more than 100 cities and counties and found that 83% are spending at least 2% more on police in 2022 than in 2019.

Of the 109 budgets analyzed, only eight agencies cut police funds by more than 2%, while 91 agencies increased law enforcement funding by at least 2%.

In 49 cities or counties, police funding has increased by more than 10%.

A CNN fact check found that the ads Republicans are running about defunding the police are often based on “pure fiction,” and they make nonsensical claims that omit the positions of Democrats on police funding.

The defunding the police scam is a talking point that Republicans have tried to turn into reality through repetition.

Democrats are not defunding the police, but as president, Trump tried to cut police funding consistently in his budgets.

Biden requested $300 million in funding for cops that Trump tried to defund.

Jim Jordan’s party is trying to defund the police, while Biden and Democrats are willing to spend to reduce crime and keep communities safe.


Jason Easley

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