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Jill Biden’s Email Blasting the Special Counsel Report Raised a Ton of Money for Joe: Report


One of the most bizarre subplots of the 2024 presidential race is that being charged with dozens of felonies has helped Donald Trump raise money off of being an accused criminal. Joe Biden, meanwhile, has zero indictments to his name. And while that should be a good thing, it doesn‘t exactly get the people revved up like an all-caps subject line à la “THEY’RE TAKING MY FREEDOM AND YOU COULD BE NEXT UNLESS YOU DONATE BELOW NOW!”

Still, the president did just rake in a large amount of cash—thanks to special counsel Robert Hur’s decision to describe him as an “elderly man with a poor memory,” and Jill Biden’s decision to give the guy a piece of her mind.

Per NBC News:

First lady Jill Biden was deeply offended and personally motivated to issue a response after special counsel Robert Hur released his report last week alleging that the president could not remember when their son died and struggled to recall other key details, according to two people familiar with the discussions…Biden’s message Saturday quickly raised more money than any other email the campaign has sent out since the president launched his re-election campaign in April, a campaign official said. The person would not disclose how much it raised.  

The lengthy statement did not include a specific financial ask to supporters, but it did include a donate button at the end of the note, which was signed: “Love, Jill.”

In her message, the first lady said the notion that the president has memory problems is “inaccurate,” and that Hur’s claims to the contrary are clearly “personal political attacks.” Responding to the special counsel’s assertion that Joe Biden had difficulty remembering exactly when his son Beau died, Jill Biden wrote: “I don’t know what this Special Counsel was trying to achieve. We should give everyone grace, and I can’t imagine someone would try to use our son’s death to score political points. If you’ve experienced a loss like that, you know that you don’t measure it in years — you measure it in grief. May 30th is a day forever etched on our hearts. It shattered me, it shattered our family.” 

As a senior campaign adviser told NBC News, “If the special counsel is going to use [the first lady’s] dead son as a political weapon, she’s going to have something to say about it — so she said it.”

Shortly after Hur’s report was released, the president told reporters his memory is “fine,” adding, of the special counsel’s claims re: Beau Biden’s death, “How in the hell dare he raise that?” Democrats have called the report a politically motivated smear job.


Bess Levin

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