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Jennifer Lopez and Kimberly Guilfoyle to star in the wrestling motion picture, “The Lovely Puerto Rican Wrestling Babes”


The Sports Bet Gazette has just reported that Jennifer Lopez and Kimberly Guilfoyle will be starring in a wrestling movie.

The two Puerto Rican babes will be starring in the Tri Moon Film production titled, “The Lovely Puerto Rican Wrestling Babes.”

The film is being directed by award winning director/producer Bellanino Terrabini, who also directed “Beating Around Promiscuous Bonnie’s Bush,” “Meanage-A-Trois Vampires,” and “The Woman With 3 Working Vaginas.”

Zorro La Bamba with SBG noted that Jenny and Kimmy have become very close friends since both are Puerto Ricans, and both are very good cooks. (Just checking my notes…yes…it says cooks, but it’s a bit smudged.)

He noted that the fact that Lopez is a Democrat and Guilfoyle is a Republican caused a bit of a problem at first, but the two are now as close as peanut butter and jelly between two slices of bread. ■


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