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I’ve Worked for Coachella for 10 Years—6 Must-Have Items to Wear Out West


“Post-pandemic, we were all so conditioned to be ultra-casual. I expected to see that translate to the fashion on-site but was surprised the opposite happened,” she explained. “Everyone was so cooped up for so long [that] maximalist looks were everywhere.” If you were following last year’s festival-forward fashion, you’d agree. Pink cowboy hats, metallic boots, space glitter, and rhinestone-covered pasties were the outfit du jour for many of the attendees—often leading to cute but somewhat regrettable looks that felt almost too on-trend for the three-day affair. But Jiaras stressed there’s no singular trend she looks back at and cringes about. It’s all about feeling comfortable in what you’re wearing and letting your personal style shine through.

It’s important to acknowledge the fun, flirty fashion that emerges from the dusty haze of the Coachella Valley’s polo grounds, and you have to be mindful of your shopping habits when it comes to festival season. Thankfully, most of Jiaras’s fashion suggestions can be found at the thrift store or within your closet, something she heavily subscribes to. “The flea market, Poshmark, eBay auctions, and Depop are my best friends!” she said.

If you’re looking to spice up your music-festival fashion this year, look no further. Below is your go-to packing guide for Coachella fashion this year, according to Jiaras, the Coachella veteran herself. Don’t walk—run to grab these pieces before you regret not wearing them during this year’s summer festival circuit.


Ana Escalante

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