Pop Culture
ITZY Own The Algorhythm With Their Newest Japanese Comeback
2024 started on a high for ITZY with their second full-length album, BORN TO BE, and their second (still ongoing) world tour! And while we’re still not over how massive and impactful BORN TO BE is, ITZY are back with their newest Japanese comeback, their third Japanese single album: Algorhythm!
‘No Biggie’
Before the official release of Algorhythm and the title track, we got the surprise of getting the b-side as a pre-release. ‘No Biggie’ is the perfect soft, laid-back, yet addictive pop song. The song is about finding the bright side of things when you’re with someone who matters to you and makes life much happier. ‘No Biggie’ has this immaculate positive energy about it that makes it impossible to listen to the song and not feel like your day is going to get ten times better.
ITZY have been different since day one. Even their debut title track’s title, ‘DALLA DALLA,’ translates to ‘Different Different’ in English. Since then, ITZY have embraced that side of their identity and expanded even more on it. ITZY are truly marching to the beat of their own drums, and that’s what ‘Algorhythm’ is all about. The play on words is glaring: ITZY aren’t following the algorithm, they’re following the path they make for themselves.
The music video for this fun, lighthearted, yet powerful pop song has to be one of our favorites by ITZY. The music video can be interpreted as a criticism of an overcontrolling industry where every aspect of their dancing, singing, and appearance is controlled. Eventually, ITZY manage to break free and be themselves, finding true happiness and success. ‘Algorhythm’ is not only a banger, but it also has an incredible message. ITZY are out here making their way just by being themselves, and it’s beautiful to see!
Which song is your favorite? ‘Algorhythm’ or ‘No Biggie?’ Be sure to let us know by tweeting us at @thehoneypop or visiting us on Facebook and Instagram.
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