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It’s soooooooo hot! | The Survival Gardener


Okay, this isn’t fun anymore!

It’s hard to keep our nursery plants happy in this heat. Despite repeated watering they’re getting burned leaves. It’s also not raining. There is some possible rain coming up in the forecast, but I don’t have much hope. It keeps getting deferred. Even the sunn hemp has about given up and is going to bloom at only a foot or so in height.

On the bright side, I’m getting some writing done since gardening is not tempting right now.

I’m working on a little book titled The Easy Way to Plant a Food Forest, since there seems to be a lot of interest in bypassing all the complicated food forest planning and getting right to it. It’s an inspiring little guide to getting started without analysis paralysis. I hope to have it finished in the next week or so, then we’ll see how long it takes to get published.

Catch you soon.


The post It’s soooooooo hot! appeared first on The Survival Gardener.


David The Good

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