It’s a Gas
I am ordinarily ambivalent about submissions of weird
stuff for sale at Amazon or elsewhere. They aren't great
Error'd material; they're at worst an error in data. But
today I'm sharing two with you because they're just so
ridiculously funny that I think you'll get a kick out of
them regardless.
First, venerable member
The Beast in Black
wants us to know that "Rubberbands can't fix everything"
despite this fetching model who would have us believe
"PSA: DO NOT DO THIS!" He shouts, "if you're using
rubberbands to keep the gas tube attached to your AK-pattern rifle,
you are about to have MUCH bigger problems."
More humorously, pet lover and insect hater
Roger G. is growing his menagerie.
"I only wanted the flea treatment but apparently there is the option to get it with a cat!"
Erstwhile Top
Dave G. huffs
"That's Mr. Username to you!
Good day, <<gender specific salutation>>."
"Would you like the Setup Guide, the Setup Guide, the
Setup Guide, the Setup Guide, the Setup Guide, or the
Setup Guide?" repeated perseverant
Stuart L.
"In fact, they are all different. There's
even one for the storage bag this headset comes with!
Naturally, the very last Setup Guide listed is the
one for the actual
Finally, cleverly pseudonymous
Chasing the Dream
shared this hated example with us,
punning it "Password Whoas". I do have
an entire column of such whoas in the works. Here's
a teaser. Comments Comrade Chasing,
"There are two distinct error messages that may occur,
even though the list on the bottom has green checks. The
other error message has a little bit more information
other than unable to save the password.
It took me twenty
minutes to find the right combination of characters
before the system approved and saved the password. If I
did not have to use Chase for my mortgage, I would not
voluntarily use their website."
Bon Weekend to you all; I am off to get more cyborg parts.

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Lyle Seaman
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