Pop Culture
It Sure Does Seem Like Greta Thunberg’s Perfect Andrew Tate Burn Helped Get Him Arrested | The Mary Sue

Andrew Tate is (in)famous on the internet for his misogyny, getting banned from social media platforms, and getting owned by 19-year-old climate activists. But have his internet antics also resulted in him getting arrested?
According to Romanian news, the home of Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan was “raided by Romanian authorities, specifically the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism, on the morning of 29 December.” One news site reported that Romanian police carried out the raid in connection to the abduction of two girls, hence the potential child trafficking charges. Another site reported that the brothers will be detained for 24 hours and that the U.S. Embassy received a complaint that a woman with American citizenship was being held at the Tate brothers’ home without consent.
Footage of the arrest is also available to view on Twitter:
Even better, Tate’s online activity was partially his undoing: When Romanian authorities were looking for evidence that Tate was in the country, they simply turned to his social media posts. One of the most recent posts just happened to be an extremely stupid video response to Greta Thunberg, who efficiently roasted his ass earlier:
Tate was so riled up about a teenage girl dragging him in the public square that he filmed a video giving away his location—a Romanian pizza chain called Jerry’s Pizza, which confirmed to authorities that he was in the country.
Gotta love it when the trash takes itself out.
(Via Dexerto, featured image: Kate Green, Getty Images / YouTube)
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