Automotive afficionado
Mike S. proudly relates
"My first and only car has been a classic 1965 6-cyl Ford
Null. I've always loved it but it does crash from time
to time, even though I've received many pointers on how
to avoid that. I've considered getting an Infiniti and
then would divide my time between the two." Avoid pointers,


Northern neighbor and Error'd enthusiast
Eddie R. doubled down on submissions this week. First
he shared a sales pitch from that venerable society.
"The RCGS emails me pretty regularly, but it looks like
this week they did a manual mail merge and skipped the merge part."



And then he buckled down to pay his back taxes but found he's
very far behind.
"Apparently the Canada Revenue Agency has not received
my tax returns for the years leading up to the birth of Christ.



Alex somehow triggered an odd error.
Is it my eyes, or are two of these boxes larger than the rest? Alex explained
"The password must contain 1 uppercase letter, 1 digit, 1 punctuation
and 2 nulls on the 2FA page."



Finally, Dutch
Denilson shows out the week.
"This site is originally in Dutch, and they translated it
themselves to English. Unfortunately, nobody did QA on
this specific page in the English version. Truth to be
told, translations are usually done out-of-context. Anyway,
out of the two continue buttons, I obviously clicked on
the wrong one, so I could continue on my journey to find
the right button." And now we'll all continue on our own
journeys. Goed weekend allemaal!



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Lyle Seaman

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