Issue of marijuana dispensaries back on the front burner at Redmond City Council workshop – Medical Marijuana Program Connection
(Update: Adding video, comments from mayor, councilors)
Guests will explain how plant has fared in their community
REDMOND, Ore. (KTVZ) — The Redmond City Council returns to the controversial topic of whether to allow marijuana dispensaries at a workshop tonight at 6 p.m. at City Hall, with public comment invited, as well as input from some special guests.
Twice before, city leaders have turned down marijuana dispensaries. But with a new, yet familiar mayor, Ed Fitch, who has long supported allowing them, the issue is back up for more council discussion.
Fitch spoke with NewsChannel 21 on Tuesday, reaffirming his stance on Redmond allowing marijuana dispensaries.
“I do think adults who have the right to purchase marijuana should have that right to do it in their home community,” the mayor said. “I also agree that people who have it for medical purposes shouldn’t have to drive to another town to get basically a medicine for themselves.”
City councilors Cat Zwicker and Kathryn Osborne also gave their thoughts to NewsChannel 21 ahead of Tuesday’s workshop which will be livestreamed from the city council’s agenda page.
Zwicker told us, “It’s just like alcohol. If you’re bringing something into your community, do you have the wherewithal and means to take care of the problems that it might bring with it? Whether that’s public safety or behavioral mental health beds? So I think it’s a lot bigger conversation than just tonight.”
MMP News Author
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