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Is Twitter Down? Links and Photos Are Not Working on the App | Entrepreneur


No, it isn’t your WiFi.

Twitter was down on Monday afternoon after hundreds of users started reporting that hyperlinks and images were not working on the site.

The social media platforms redirect link service,, is thought to be the cause of the outage.

The company confirmed the issues via the Twitter Support account just past noon EST on Monday and chalked up the outages to an “internal change that had some unintended consequences.”

via Twitter

According to DownDetector, 8,378 users had reported issues with the social media platform as of 11:57 a.m. EST.

Users clicking on links in Tweets received API error messages telling them that their ‘API Code does not include access to this endpoint’ and have been unable to access external content.

Twitter did not specify what exact issues it was referring to via the Twitter Support account.

“Since Twitter,” “Oh Twitter,” and #TwitterDown were all trending globally on Monday.

Twitter also crashed in February when users tried to create new posts and got an error message that said: “You are over the daily limit for sending Tweets.” At the time, other users noted they were no longer able to follow new users or see an updated list of their followers.


Emily Rella

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