Dating & Love
Is My Husband Controlling? Quiz
Has that ring on your finger started to feel like a handcuff? If you feel your husband’s actions have shifted from caring to controlling, you’ve come to the right place. This controlling husband quiz, created by a relationship counselor with a master’s degree in psychology, will help you spot red flags in your marriage.
As spouses, we naturally want what’s best for our partners, so it’s normal to offer opinions and input about their lives. This is why when your husband tries to control you, you might convince yourself he’s doing it for your own good. However, this is a form of emotional abuse. Healthy communication in marriage looks different and doesn’t leave you feeling micromanaged.
Related Quiz: Is my boyfriend controlling? Quiz
Read through the 10 controlling behaviors in the quiz and see how many your husband exhibits. Answer the questions as honestly as possible. Remember, this control issues test is designed to help you understand your situation and work towards a solution
- He stops you from meeting certain friends, or throws a tantrum any time you meet these friends
- Often
- Rarely
- Never
- He tells you how to dress and forces you to change if he doesn’t approve of your outfit
- Often
- Rarely
- Never
- How often does he get upset when you make plans without him?
- Often
- Rarely
- Never
- He becomes jealous of anyone you spend time with
- Often
- Rarely
- Never
- He makes you feel guilty for choosing to spend time with your family
- Often
- Rarely
- Never
- He asks to go through your phone and social media accounts
- Often
- Rarely
- Never
- He respects your privacy and alone time
- Often
- Rarely
- Never
- How often do the two of you fight because your husband doesn’t trust you?
- Often
- Rarely
- Never
- He blames you for all the problems in your relationship
- Often
- Rarely
- Never
- How often does your husband criticise your appearance, opinions, and you in general?
- Often
- Rarely
- Never
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