Professionals advise women who are pregnant to stay away from raw tuna, booze, and other things that could cause problems during the pregnancy. Also, it’s best to limit your caffeine intake, which is why a lot of pregnant women drink green tea instead.

But drinking herbal drinks like hibiscus flower tea while pregnant can also be bad for you. Discover more about hibiscus tea and other things you should know if you are pregnant by reading on!

What Is Hibiscus?

Is Hibiscus Safe During Pregnancy

Hibiscus is a plant that blooms with lovely red flowers. It is usually grown in warm areas and is useful for many things, like making rope, paper, and flower arrangements. Hibiscus flower leaves that have been dried are used to make hot or cold tea, which tastes great and smells like flowers.

People think that hibiscus tea can help fight bacteria, lower blood pressure, and help people lose weight. People also think that hibiscus tea is good for your liver, and there are chemicals in the tea that stop cancer cells from growing in the body.

Is Hibiscus Tea Safe In Pregnancy?

Tea made from hibiscus flowers is good for your health in many ways. It tastes great and is full of healthy vitamins. However, pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding should not normally eat it.

In 2013, studies on animals showed that hibiscus tea may not be safe for women who are expecting. Animal studies show that eating hibiscus during pregnancy can be dangerous. For example, the child may not reach puberty on time, and the pregnancy may end in a loss.

Some problems, like a high chance of obesity, a higher body mass index, and poor nutrition in the mother, are seen in the children.

Hibiscus is thought to help keep hormones and periods in check. But while pregnant, it could cause early labor, bleeding, cramps, or even the loss of the baby.

Benefits of Hibiscus Tea While Pregnant: Hibiscus tea has a lot of health benefits because it is high in vitamins. The same is true for women who are pregnant. Traditionally, though, women who are pregnant should not eat or drink it during the first three months, and even after that, they should get a prescription from their doctor before doing so.

The common belief about pregnancy is that hibiscus tea is good for you. If you drink hibiscus tea after the first trimester, once you know you’re pregnant, you’ll get the following benefits:

  • A number of colleges think that hibiscus has a lot of flavonoids.
  • It can keep you safe from damage caused by radical toxic elements that make cells die and cause illnesses.
  • It helps boost the immune system and makes the bodies of both the mother and the baby stronger.
  • During pregnancy, blood pressure often goes through the roof. Hibiscus tea may help keep it in check.
  • It might get rid of germs, clean the lymph and blood, and make the digestive system stronger.

There is no scientific proof of these benefits, though, so it’s always best to talk to your doctor before drinking hibiscus tea while you’re pregnant.

Side Effects Of Drinking Hibiscus Tea When Pregnant

It is not a good idea to drink hibiscus tea while pregnant, especially in the first three months. It is thought to cause miscarriages and teenagers to not hit puberty until later. Here are some other bad things that can happen after drinking hibiscus tea:

  • Shaking
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Headache
  • Painful urination
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Gas
  • Upset stomach or stomach pain

Does Hibiscus Tea Cause Miscarriage?

In general, you should stay away from hibiscus tea while you are pregnant because it can cause miscarriages and late puberty. So, even if you have to drink tea while you’re pregnant, you should always be aware of the possible side effects.

Hibiscus And Pregnancy: First Trimester

When we are early in pregnancy, we tend to dislike more things. Tea may help with more than just morning sickness and being very sleepy. It may also help with other stomach problems.

Ginger root and hibiscus tea are great for getting rid of morning sickness and gas. Because of your pregnancy, you might not like hot drinks. You could have it as a cold tea instead.

The things that could hurt you (like wine, coffee, etc.) hurt your body a lot in the first trimester. If you enjoy a plant tea and find that it helps with your pregnancy symptoms, your body may be telling you what’s best for you.

Hibiscus And Pregnancy: Second Trimester

Some women think that the second trimester of pregnancy is the best time for them because the first trimester symptoms are usually gone and the body is still small and easy to handle.

The second trimester is happy and, we hope, free of sickness. Think things through. If you’re pregnant and having trouble with your blood pressure or weight gain, you might want to try hibiscus tea, either hot or cold.

It’s possible that some plant teas will make you feel different, and as we said in the first trimester, if it feels good to your body, it probably won’t hurt you. Each woman is much more aware of what she should and shouldn’t eat while she is pregnant.

Hibiscus And Pregnancy: Third Trimester

In the third trimester, some women drink hibiscus tea to get their bodies ready for labor.

You may have heard that red raspberry leaf tea can help pregnant women. As a uterine tonic, this plant tea gets the womb ready for its most important time.

Hibiscus is one of the main ingredients in most herbal tea mixes made for women in their last three months of pregnancy.

Who Should Not Drink Hibiscus Tea?

If you are allergic to hibiscus tea or other herbal teas from the Malvaceae plant family, it might not be the best for you.

If drinking hibiscus tea or any other tea or taking hibiscus vitamins makes you feel bad, stop taking them and see what happens. Always call your healthcare provider if you are worried.

Hibiscus And Pregnancy: The Verdict

There aren’t many studies that look at how safe hibiscus is for real women. But research on animals has shown some things that might be bad about drinking hibiscus tea while you’re pregnant.

Scientists have also come up with some ideas about why hibiscus makes some animals less fertile. Some of these effects, like the ones on estrogen, might also happen in people. We just don’t know at this point.

Because so little is known about how safe hibiscus is during pregnancy and because it’s possible that it could lead to a failing pregnancy or health problems for both mom and baby, we strongly advise that you do not take hibiscus while you are pregnant. This is just a safety measure because there isn’t enough information to prove it’s safe.

The same advice goes if you are trying to get pregnant, because some studies on animals have shown that it might mess up the first few weeks of pregnancy.

Varinder Pal Singh

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