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Is Donald Trump as entertaining as films?


More so. The guy can’t stop with the comedy of: Who Me? I never did anything wrong or that every other president before me did.

Taking Classified Top Secret documents? No way. I declassified them in my head before I left the White House.

That can’t be done. You aren’t Mandrake the Magician. Okay. They were mixed up with my used shorts, jock straps, cups and socks. Okay? I didn’t have time to go through all those boxes, and I didn’t want Melania to have to go through those boxes.

Donald Trump can go on and on and on, with story after story like those told in One Thousand And One Nights. All myths, like Donald Trump’s many excuses for absconding with over 200 Top Secret Classified documents.

Like Trump’s stories, but more credible, are the stories told by Idris Alba in the film THREE THOUSAND YEARS OF LONGING.

Unlike Trump, that film is positive, out of the box, or the bottle, and magically entertaining. Alba is cast as a Jginn who, again unlike Donald Trump, can perform magic and is able to grant three wishes.

Best scene? When the Jginn stops the noise and sounds of traffic, gossip, anger, and conflict by placing his hand over his ear, and music slowly emerges, overcoming all the sounds of noise, and producing beauty and calm.

Wish that could be done with all of Trump’s mouth traffic of accusations and lies emanating from his mouth. Trump should quit his confessed stupidity, man up, stop the noise and plead guilty to sneaking away with government Top Secret documents.

That is wish number one!

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