Pop Culture
INTERVIEW: Maejor Audio Sunshine Will Light Up Your Day With ‘POWER!’
Music can be such a powerful tool in helping us navigate hard circumstances in our life and inspiring us to push through them – and Maejor Audio Sunshine are taking that to a whole new level! They’re the first-ever wellness supergroup, made up of artist and wellness expert Maejor, Audio Up and Audio Chateau CEO Jared Gutstadt, and singer-songwriter Bipolar Sunshine. This next chapter kicks off with the motivating ‘POWER,’ an anthem that will remind you to take power back over your life, from the lyrics to the frequencies of the track!
‘POWER’ is a triumphant ode to the control we hold over our own lives and one of the most exciting debut singles of the year, proving how dynamic Maejor Audio Sunshine already are and the impact they can make on listeners worldwide. And we got to ask them all about the song, their collaboration, and more! Watch the animated ‘POWER’ video below, then keep reading for our Q&A with this incredible trio.
Hi Maejor Audio Sunshine, congrats on your debut with ‘POWER!’ How does it feel to let the song out into the world and into fans’ lives?
MAEJOR: I am grateful to bring something to people’s lives that will hopefully uplift or be helpful to them in some way, even if it’s super small.
BIPOLAR SUNSHINE: I’m really happy that we get to share our art with the world. I’m really excited about this project.
What does ‘POWER’ mean to you?
MAEJOR: Power can be found in surrender. Check out the book The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer.
BIPOLAR SUNSHINE: To rise above and have a deep inner strength.
Is there a certain lyric on ‘POWER’ that you especially love?
BIPOLAR SUNSHINE: “Lately, I really think I’m going crazy.” It always sticks out to me as it signifies the inner struggle we all face from time to time.
What do you hope listeners take away from ‘POWER?’
JARED: I hope that they find an incredible, empowering anthem that gets them pumped up for the challenges life puts in front of them. The song immediately makes you feel good, and when you look below the surface, the actual frequencies within it are like an extra vitamin in a tasty, delicious snack.
BIPOLAR SUNSHINE: I want them to feel empowered—to feel free to dance, let go, and trust the process.
You’re the first-ever health and wellness supergroup, which is such a big step for the music industry! How did Maejor Audio Sunshine and its healing focus come about?
JARED: I was going through a low period and living in the Audio Chateau during a bout of very serious depression. I would wake up every night, and Maejor was working on music. Instead of letting me just wander through in my bathrobe, they put the guitar in my hand, and we started creating reggae riffs on the bass and guitar, which became the center point for them, writing top line and musical ideas around. Next thing I knew, we had several songs, and before we knew it, we were a band. It sort of happened pretty organically.
MAEJOR: It was an organic process of us all just creating music in a safe space as I was going through some things. It was almost as if the music was having a healing effect on me (or so they say). I started incorporating the frequencies, and Bipolar added the amazing vocals. Now, here we are.
BIPOLAR SUNSHINE: It was very organic. We were all at different parts of our lives where health and wellness seemed to be the answer to any issues we were going through. So adding music as our connection was perfect.
The animated ‘POWER’ video shows various habits that can help improve your mental health, like limiting screen time and pursuing hobbies like music. With such busy schedules, how do you prioritize wellness in your everyday life?
BIPOLAR SUNSHINE: Wellness became the answer to many of the challenges we were facing. Music was our connection, and combining the two was perfect.
JARED: The music video is like an Ikea manual for living a more productive, wellness-inspired life. For me, meditation really helps! I also prioritize getting outside, whether it’s cycling or tennis. If I don’t get my steps in, I’m like a wild dog that needs to be run.
MAEJOR: For me, meditation really helps!!
From wellness and entrepreneurship to music and technology, you’ve each done such amazing things on your own! What has it been like to come together to work on this project?
JARED: Wellness, entrepreneurship, music, and technology are all part of my toolkit. It’s like doing a class project where everyone in the group is an alpha leader. Working together, it always comes out the way I imagined, and I’m a perfectionist.
BIPOLAR SUNSHINE: It’s been amazing. The collective knowledge and eagerness to dive into wellness and technology have truly shaped this project. The more we explore, the more we grow.
MAEJOR: It’s great working with people who have different skill sets and styles than your own. It’s like a symphony and everyone is playing their instrument, it comes together and sounds great.
How has the process differed from other projects you’ve worked on?
JARED: This process has been way different than anything I’ve worked on because we’ve been playing telephone tag over the years with these songs. We started with instrumental sketches and then worked on the top line immediately in the room. There was even a time when I didn’t know if or when this music would be released, as the process was so organic and fluid.
BIPOLAR SUNSHINE: The process has been really different for me, as I’m used to working solo. It was great to bounce ideas off both of them, and we’ve developed a solid understanding of each other. Most of the time, we’re just having a laugh.
We love all things sweet at The Honey Pop, so could you say something sweet about your fellow Maejor Audio Sunshine members?
JARED: I’m very lucky to work with two of the kindest and most talented people I’ve met in the music business. Their calmness and confidence were exactly what I needed to get my life and musical direction back on course.
BIPOLAR SUNSHINE: These two are really inspiring, and I’m happy I get to learn on so many levels from them. Ace qualities for a supergroup!
MAEJOR: We love you and are so grateful for every second we are with you.
How do you feel you’ve grown as artists and people since starting to work together as Maejor Audio Sunshine?
JARED: I’ve been playing this type of music my whole life, but this project has helped me get back to the fundamentals of why I got into music in the first place. It’s made me appreciate my instrument and my gift even more. Simplicity is key.
BIPOLAR SUNSHINE: I’ve grown by taking my mental health more seriously. The more time we spend together, the more it encourages me to look inward. I meditate a lot more, watch what I eat, and try to stay positive. I’ve realized that personal happiness is a frequency, and that’s what others feel when they’re around you.
Has working on Maejor Audio Sunshine changed the way you approach your other projects?
JARED: This batch of material really flowed out, and we probably could have written hundreds of songs. But this focused set really represents what our message is to fans.
BIPOLAR SUNSHINE: I agree with Jared. We could’ve written hundreds of songs, but we tapped into something special with these.
MAEJOR: The fundamentals of why I got back into music has actually made me appreciate my instrument and my gift even more. The way that Maejor Audio Sunshine has changed the way I approach other projects is that simplicity is key. Sometimes overthinking composition and what the outcomes and goals are can be paralyzing.
What can your fans look forward to in the rest of 2024?
JARED: The release of several singles leading into 2025, and a full album, tour, and wellness experiences throughout 2025.
BIPOLAR SUNSHINE: Releasing music, building communities, and playing shows as a band.
Is there anything else you’d like to say to your fans?
JARED: I hope people enjoy this music. This project feels like my Gorillaz moment. I’ve always wanted to have a global pop project that speaks to putting positivity into the world, and I hope that’s what people take away from it.
BIPOLAR SUNSHINE: This journey is about discovering something new within ourselves. Change your frequency, change your life.
So many inspiring moments within this Q&A! Thank you so much to Maejor, Jared, and Bipolar Sunshine for answering all our questions and using your musical talents to make such a strong change in the world. We can’t wait to see what’s next for Maejor Audio Sunshine!
Now, honeybees, we have some questions for you! What do you think of ‘POWER?’ What does your everyday wellness routine look like? Let us know in the comments below or hit us up on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
Check out more sweet music recs!
Madison Murray
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