Family & Parenting
I’m Slowly Discovering That the Greatest Gift I Gave My Children Was Each Other
The greatest gift our parents ever gave us was each other. -Unknown
On Mother’s Day eve my adult daughter and almost adult son had an epic fight. He was angry because he was told by a friend that a girl he liked wasn’t interested in him. For some teens that news might roll off their back, but my son took it to mean he was a loser, unworthy of anyone’s love. In his mind, it was a sign that he will be alone forever.
His sister tried to help, but as he continued to loudly perseverate in his frustration, she told him that he had anger issues and needed to get them under control. We learned years ago from our son’s therapist that EVERYONE has anger issues. It’s an unpleasant emotion, no one enjoys being angry.
Everyone, including my son has anger issues
To call someone out as having issues with something that we all struggle with is not only unfair, but inaccurate. I tried explaining this to my daughter so I could diffuse the situation. At the same time I told my son to just breathe, and to go to his room where he could feel his feelings in peace. He didn’t listen.
My daughter yelled that I was in denial and that he was “not normal,” which only caused my son to explode further, screaming awful things at her; thankfully at least it was from a distance. Nevertheless, she felt threatened and said she was leaving because she was “unsafe.”
I stupidly tried to stop her, which I later regretted because, even though I wanted her to stay, I was proud of her for protecting herself.
Mother’s Day was ruined, and certainly not my best parenting moment
“Great,” I snarled out loud, “Mother’s Day is ruined.”
Not my best parenting moment; in fact, the entire evening was my worst parenting moment. I texted my husband who was out, and he immediately came home and spoke calmly to our son.
Our son spent the better part of the night expressing his remorse over what he had screamed at his sister, he knew it was pretty bad. He admitted he would never hurt her and just wanted her to stop talking and, in that moment, didn’t have the right words to express that appropriately.
My son sent his sister an apology text
He has always struggled with this, and has made huge strides, except when it comes to his sister, who pushes his buttons, and is likely the one who installed them. He sent her a well thought out, heart warming, text that she read while spending the night with her grandparents.
According to her it was “too well written,” so I must have been the one who wrote it. When she came home the next day, she realized that she had underestimated her brother’s ability to express remorse.
My son, my husband and I had a conversation about the importance of continued therapy to work through challenging feelings. It was very productive and we could see a way forward.
Mother’s Day was somewhat resuscitated, but my daughter was very cool towards my son, and when he tried to engage her in conversation she gave one word answers. I didn’t blame her. She’d had years of having to recover from her brother’s behavior, whether it be his anger, or getting into trouble at school, with classmates giving her a hard time about it.
My daughter has always had to deal with her brother’s issues
We live in a town where everyone knows everything and that has always been hard on all of us. She’s been away at school the last two years, and hasn’t seen all the progress he’s made, or the support he’s been given by us and everyone at his wonderful high school.
The week went on typically, and on Wednesday my daughter decided to pick up my son from school, and together they went to my parents’ house for a visit. Shortly after that, he received a phone call from his cousin who informed them that his friend’s younger sister died from a drug overdose. Both of them were shocked, but my son was devastated and inconsolable. He didn’t really know the 15 year old girl, but he was heartbroken for her brother.
I called my son and, through his tears, he said, “I can’t imagine what he’s going through, this is so awful, it doesn’t seem real.”
“I know, “ I replied, “I’m so sorry. Do you want me to meet you at Grandma and Grandpa’s?”
“Yes,” he replied, “I’m taking a walk but I’ll meet you back there.”
I arrived first, and he walked in a few minutes later and sobbed in my arms. His sister asked him, “What can I do for you? Are you hungry?”
“Yes,” he sniffled, “I want a hamburger.” “Sure,” she soothingly responded, “I’ll take you to ‘In n Out’.”
My daughter went from fear to disappointment to compassion in the way she reacted to her brother
For the next 24 hours I was in complete awe of my daughter. She had gone from being afraid of her brother, to disappointed, to the most compassionate I’ve ever seen her be towards him. Later that evening, he came out of his room and told us he had texted his friend, “I know you want to be left alone, but I wanted you to know how sorry I am, and that I’m here for you.”
His sister sweetly said,
“You’re a really good friend.”
“Thanks,” he muttered.
“Hey, do you want to go anywhere, maybe get some ice-cream?” she asked; comfort food is clearly the way she shows love.
“I kind of feel like Boba,” he replied.
“You got it, let’s go,” and the two of them were off.
Over the years I’ve let disturbing thoughts creep into my head about what life would be like for our kids when we are gone, when, someday, they only have each other to remember what they were like as children. How will our sensitive son, who takes so long to warm up to people, function in a world where the two people who love him most are only watching over from above?
In the last couple of weeks, I’ve discovered that his sister is that third person who loves him the most. Even when she’s angry with him, or struggles to understand him, she will never abandon him, and he will know he can always count on her. In time, I hope he will find ways to support her when she is in need. I know he wants to; he just isn’t quite sure how.
I have faith that she will teach him.
The author of this post wishes to remain anonymous.
More Great Reading:
Grown and Flown
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