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If Looking Chic Is Your Goal, Following These 10 Fashion People Is Step No. 1


Inspiration is in abundance on Instagram, especially when it comes to fashion, but if you don’t know where to look, you could easily never find it, at least not the sort that fits your ideal aesthetic. With over a billion users, there’s simply too much to sort through and not enough time in the day. I, however, have spent the last decade or so dedicating an unhealthy amount of time to the app, slowly but surely curating a following list that fills my feed on a daily basis with the type of outfit inspiration the most elite magazines make you pay for—and then some. 

Of course, I follow over 3,000 accounts—including editors, brands, designers, stylists, photographers, and on and on—and I, in no way, expect you to do the same. That’s why I went through every last one of them and handpicked the 10 that most epitomize the word chic. Copy their looks, sure, but if you ask me, the real way to embody their unique senses of style and sartorial confidence is to let it sink in by studying their feeds and then figure out how you can do the same in a way that feels personal to you. Sometimes, all you need is a little inspiration to get there, and these 10 fashion people supply that in spades.


Eliza Huber

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