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If Chanel Is Your Goal Aesthetic, Try These 10 Affordable Brands


Ask anyone with an eye for fashion to name their favorite brands, and as they list everyone from Reformation to Jean Paul Gaultier, they’ll find a way to slip Chanel in there. The brand speaks a secret language in which we’re all trying to become fluent. As it’s known for strategic stylistic choices like tweed and color-blocking, many of the brand’s designs are instantly recognizable. I recently met a woman wearing a Chanel tweed jacket that was so effortlessly pinned off the shoulders that I fell madly in love with her ensemble and could barely maintain eye contact. The brand’s clothing speaks for itself. 

In my dream world, I’d wear nothing but Chanel. However, we’ve got to be realistic. I’m still in my 20s and working on building out my savings account before I get into the habit of seriously splurging on designers. So in the meantime, I’ll be shopping these 10 brands to get the Chanel look.


Sierra Mayhew

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