Welcome back for another edition of In Case You Missed It, our monthly retrospective roundup of community moments you may have missed. We’ll cover highlights from Imgurians, heartwarming stories, crafty creations, and updates from the peeps here at Imgur HQ.

Let’s jump in!

*Support for Ukraine*

In March, we made a few changes to Imgur in support of humanitarian efforts in Ukraine. We changed the Imgur logo to the Ukrainian flag’s colors and added a support button to all platforms. If you’d like to show your support, click the heart icon on the top bar on desktop or the profile page on mobile. Alternatively, you can visit the Core Response site directly.

*International Women’s Day*

March 8th was International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate women’s contributions to our world and appreciate their impact. This year’s theme was “Break The Bias.” Biases prevent progress and stunt growth, and it’s on all of us to recognize and rectify them. From pioneers of the past to women carrying the torch today, we are honored to recognize these outstanding women for standing against the tide and working toward a better tomorrow.

You can see some of their stories here: #International_Womens_Day

Share ya craft G

*Share Your Craft*

Imgurians put the crafts into arts and crafts with the “Share Your Craft” event. Giving us a peek behind the curtain of their creativity, creators from far and wide came together to show off their wares for the event. We even had a few Imgurians satisfy the collective curiosity of the community by showing us how the proverbial sausage gets made. From wearable art to sculptures, cosplay, props, and more, it’s safe to say that the community’s craftiest creators did not disappoint.

Visit the #share_your_craft tag to catch up on all things crafty!


*Old But Gold*

The old school was out for spring break this month for a celebration of all things antique and vintage. In with the old, out with the new was the mantra for this event. From family heirlooms and collector’s items to classic cars and vintage video games, old fashion was in fashion for one day. Hundreds of Imgurians shared their personal pieces of history with us, and millions more migrated to the tag to enjoy them. These relics of our past deserve recognition, and we’re happy they had some fun in the sun.

See some of the things people shared on the #vintage tag.

Puppy Day

*National Puppy Day*

Our furry friends easily lift our spirits with their oh-so-boopable snoots and disarming smiles. On March 23rd, Imgur was flush with pictures and videos of pups of all shapes and sizes for National Puppy Day. It’s no secret that the internet loves puppies. After thousands of submissions and millions of visits to the puppy day tag that day, it’s clear that Imgurians love them too.

Symbolically boop some snoots on the #national_puppy_day tag.

I go to be a Ferengi on Star Trek Discovery Season 4

*Imgurian Ferengi*

Imgurian @ViewOfTheLake had the chance to play a Ferengi for Star Trek Discovery. Trekkie or not, we can all agree that it would be cool to play a character from the franchise. They shared some behind-the-scenes pictures from the set and a few details about the fitting process. At the end of his post, he offered to answer any questions anyone had about his experience. He even shared a few secrets. For example, he played all of the Ferengi in the show. Hundreds of Imgurians took to the comments to take ViewOfTheLake up on his offer, and everyone enjoyed living vicariously through him.

Check out the comments to see all of the answered questions!


*User Sub Bookworms*

Curious about what their peers liked to read, Imgurian @Beattywill80 asked User Sub what their favorite books were. With over 2,100 comments on the post, people were eager to respond. After some time crunching the numbers, Beattywill80 created a few additional posts ranking the 25 top sci-fi and fantasy titles. Also curious about the reading habits of your fellow Imgurians? Take a peek at @Beattywill80’s posts to see the rankings.

Top 25 Fantasy titles

Top 25 Science Fiction titles

You crazy MFers DID THIS shit

*Science Fiction Success*

It’s not every day you hear about an Imgurian’s best-selling novel. After years of hard work and dedication, they turned that novel into a trilogy and even have a streaming series on the way! After hundreds of rejections, @BlakeNorthcott stayed the course, and her perseverance has paid off. On August 2, 2015, she shared her story and gave away a copy of her then single book to the community. From that point forward, she saw an explosion of interest in her work and grew the franchise to what it is today. She credits Imgur and the community’s support of her work as a vital part of her success. (Oh, and we’ll totally be getting a shout-out when the streaming series drops.)

Beaver Buddy update *updated*

*The Chronicles of Beaver Buddy*

Usually, you hear about people making friends with stray cats, dogs, or maybe even a wild deer. For Imgurian @friendswithfire, mother nature had different plans. On her daily walk one morning, she made friends with a beaver! Unfortunately, he was injured, but he was very friendly. For about a week, she shared pictures and videos of her new friend. Well-meaning Imgurians left kind comments and suggestions on how to best handle the beaver. The local animal sanctuary decided it was best to apply peroxide to Buddy’s injuries and leave him where he was. Being the kindhearted animal lover that she was, @friendswithfire did just that.

Bugs - Imgur

*Bugs & Fixes Update*

You’ve made it to the end! Before you go, we’ll go over the currently known bugs on Imgur and share updates on bug fixes we’ve made.

There’s no hiding the fact that between March 20-28 we experienced a slew of outages across Imgur, especially affecting those of you using the Android app. Fixing this became our top priority, and we were able to release a new version of the app that resolved these issues. Additionally, last week (March 27-31), we saw a rise in malicious ads on iOS. We’ve since been able to resolve a majority of these concerns by blocking the offending provider.

We appreciate all of you that took the time to let us know what you experienced. Both our iOS and Android teams have spent all of March resolving issues from small to large. App stability is our highest priority, and we apologize for the frustration these issues caused.


The following known bugs are on our radar and are currently being worked on:

– When commenting using a post from can be found on our help site.

If you ever experience something that doesn’t seem right, be it a bad ad or a bug, you can contact us here.
Imgurians who report new bugs will earn the Bug Hunter and also receive a free month of Imgur Emerald!

Benjamin Baskett

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