I Tried On 20 Pairs of Straight-Leg Jeans to Find the Best-Fitting Ones
While skinny jeans will forever remain a staple in my closet and baggy jeans are the cool new kid on the block, it’s straight-leg jeans that are unquestionably the hardest-working item in my wardrobe, which begs the question—why do I only own two pairs of the rigidly good stuff? Granted, I wear these two pairs a lot, but still, as a fashion editor, this is not okay. With plenty of superb new styles on the market right now, combined with my lackadaisical approach to washing my jeans regularly (I know I’m not alone), I’d say it’s officially time to add a fresh crop of straight-leg jeans to my arsenal.
The vintage-inspired silhouette has been around for some time now, but the subtle nuances in style and shape can vary greatly. So I tried and tested a plethora (20, to be exact) of brands and styles to find the eight best-fitting and most flattering pairs. If you’re on the hunt for a fresh new pair of straight-leg jeans, read on to check out my absolute favorites to invest in right now. (For reference, I am 5’7” and usually wear a size 27.)
Judith Jones
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