I Grew Up in Paris and Now Live in NYC—These Items Are Perfect for Both Places
Growing up in Paris, I was surrounded by fashion everywhere. It seemed as though everyone had their own style, no matter the occasion or time of year. As an adult, living in New York City has shown me how much both cities have in common when it comes to fashion. Living in a big city means practicality and versatility are essential. From blazers to turtlenecks and sneakers, some items are key to commuting comfortably or being able to head straight to dinner after work.
Below, you’ll find some items commonly associated with Parisian style, such as dress pants and shirts. It also felt important for me to highlight lesser-known popular items of choice among Parisians. In fact, streetwear is one of the most sought-after styles in the French capital.
Keep scrolling if you’re looking for a mid-season coat, pants that will match the basics you already own, or a going-out top for the holidays and beyond. These key items are timeless trends that are perfect for life in both Paris and New York.
Kyra Alessandrini
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