I Cut My Packing Time In Half—5 Mistakes I’ll Never Make Again
Hi, it’s me – a retired overpacker. Just a year ago, I constantly had an overweight suitcase. I have to confess that at one point, I even got my bag up to 75 pounds. A bottle of rosé was calling my name, so under the plane it went, along with about 5 outfit changes a day.
Somehow, I changed my pace. A few good podcast episodes about minimalism can do that to you. For me, it was also the frequency of my traveling. I started flying so regularly that it didn’t make sense for me to spend 4 hours packing my bag. I perfected my packing routine and I’m here to tell you that I still require a minimum of 3 outfit changes a day, but now I can do it all in a carry-on AND in half the time. Let me tell you how.
Sierra Mayhew
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