I Asked 12 Beauty People What They Smelled Like on Their Wedding Day
As a self-proclaimed fragrance person, I’m always intrigued by the scents people choose to wear. For instance, what makes the ideal job-interview fragrance? First-date fragrance? Perhaps my most burning question when it comes to scents is the most personal—what’s the perfect wedding-day fragrance?
Of course, every bride is different. Some brides choose a scent based on nostalgia (whether their mom wore it or it reminds them of something), some brides choose a scent that they wear every day, and some brides opt for a light fragrance that enhances their natural scent. No matter what, a wedding-day fragrance should feel like an encapsulation of who the bride is, which can be easier said than done.
I decided to ask 12 people who work in the beauty industry what scent they wore on their wedding day and why they decided to wear it. Keep reading to learn about the perfumes they chose to wear on their wedding day.
Katie Berohn
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