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How to Tell Better Stories – She Means Business


A good conversationalist will always be a good storyteller.

A good public speaker will always be a good storyteller.

A good storyteller does not just have a bagful of
interesting, insightful stories to share, but also knows HOW to narrate the stories
for maximum impact.

So here’s a little nugget from me to help you narrate a
story better.

Always be aware and cognizant of your audience reaction. A
good storyteller is never so consumed by his own narration that he misses cues
from the audience.

Unfortunately, we make the mistake of either becoming
nervous, or consumed with importance when we take centre stage and are
narrating a story.

What we need to remember is that any story, presentation or
public speaking is about the audience and not about us – the storyteller.

There will be a wealth of cues that the audience will throw
at you. Polite laughter where you expected a barrel of laughs. Or interrupting
as a hint to wind up fast. Or restless shifting signalling boredom.

A good storyteller will use these cues to moderate the
narration and use them also as a tool to refine the story so that his narration
will be sharper and even more impactful next time.

Storytelling is an art. But there is a science to it.

Go ahead, sparkle and shine at your next conversation. Or next presentation.



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