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How to Stay Active When Working from Home – Caring Therapists of Broward


Since the Covid lockdowns, more and more people have begun to work from home. While working remotely definitely has its benefits (wearing pajamas all day comes to mind), there are also some drawbacks. In addition to less social interaction each day, there’s also less movement. And this lack of movement can greatly impact your health and fitness level.

If you’re someone who works from the comfort of their home office or sofa, keep reading to find out how you can stay active to stay healthy!

Schedule Breaks

When in an office environment, it’s easy to take a break to walk down to the kitchen or go gab with coworkers at the proverbial water cooler. But when people work from home, they sometimes feel a bit guilty about taking a break. I mean, you already slept in and didn’t shower, AND you want a break on top of that?

No matter where you work, it’s important to give yourself 10-15 minute breaks a few times a day. Use these to get up and stretch and do a bit of walking to keep the blood flowing!

Take Your Conference Calls for a Walk

Most people have Zoom fatigue these days and we’re all trying to have good ol’ fashioned phone calls once again. Try and make your virtual meetings happen by phone and then take your calls while on a walk. This will help clear your mind so you can focus better. Plus, you’ll burn a decent amount of calories.

Try a Standup Desk

Some health experts have recently warned that sitting all day is worse for your health than smoking. To mitigate the health risks of sitting for hours, try a standing desk. If cost is an issue, there are laptop stands that adjust. You can place one on your table or desk and raise it to the right standing height. And if your budget is really tight, you can stack boxes or books on top of your desk to get you laptop at the right height.

Working from home is great, as long as you find ways to keep your body active. These tips will keep your heart pumping and your blood flowing so you can protect your health.

Hey! My name is Stacy, and I am a licensed mental health counselor working in Broward County. I graduated from Barry University with a Masters Degree in Mental Health Counseling, and a specialization in Rehabilitation in 2013. I have worked in substance abuse treatment at a variety of care levels, including within the prison system.

I specialize in working with individuals struggling with a variety of addictions. I have also worked with clients whose loved ones are struggling with addiction, individuals who experience a variety of mental health struggles including depression, anxiety, and other co-occurring disorders as well as phase of life issues, low self-esteem, and anger.

For more information about Stacy, visit:



13 Tips for Staying Active While Working From Home (2022)


Amanda Landry

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