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How to Propagate Fiddle-Leaf Figs
Fiddle-leaf figs are notoriously picky and need a lot of care, but they are surprisingly simple to grow from one plant to many. growing cuttings in soil, growing cuttings in water, and air layering are the three main ways to spread plants. Here is everything you need to know about these three ways to make more fiddle leaf figs.
What Is Fiddle Leaf Fig Propagation?
To make a new fiddle leaf fig plant that can live on its own, you need to take a stem or leaf cutting and let it root in water or soil.
Most flowers can be spread, though it can be hard at times. Fiddle leaf figs are actually pretty simple to grow more of.
What Time Of Year Should You Propagate Your Fiddle Leaf Fig?
The spring is the best time of the year to spread.
This is the time of year when your plant naturally starts to grow new leaves and roots. Cutting from a branch that is already making new growth is the best way to do it. This is most likely to happen in the spring. Moving plants around in the spring will also give your new cutting plenty of time to grow before winter.
When To Propagate Fiddle Fig Leaf
The best times to grow more fiddle-leaf figs are in the spring and summer, when the tree is growing quickly. However, you can still try to propagate in the fall and winter. The growth will be slower, and there is a greater chance that the propagation will fail.
How To Propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig In Soil
To make more fiddle leaf fig plants, you must first take a cutting of a leaf or stem. After that, you’ll “root” the cutting, which means putting it in water or very wet soil so it can grow new roots. Here are the steps you need to take to make more plants.
Step 1: Prepare Your Propagation Container
- For the cutting, you should have a bottle ready with clean water that doesn’t contain chlorine.
- Either let regular tap water sit overnight to get rid of the chlorine, or use pure water.
- Make sure the jar is the right size and shape to hold your cutting and keep it right side up.
Step 2: Cut Your Stem.
I suggest cutting a stem with two or three leaves. Any more than that, and the plants will need too much energy to grow.
Cut the stem about 3 inches below the first leaf. Your new plant will have a small stem and enough leaves to stay alive. Pick a few of the plant’s best leaves to cut off. Don’t worry, they’ll grow back after you cut them. Take your cutting with a clean, sharp tool and put it in water right away.
Step 3: Use A Rooting Hormone
Get your plant a rooting hormone to help it grow new roots faster. Do what it says on the bottle and dip the stem once before putting it in soil or water.
Step 4: Place In A Bright Place
Check your growing system every few days to make sure it has enough water and light. Put it somewhere bright but out of direct sunlight. If the water looks cloudy or soily, remove it and replace it with clean water that doesn’t have chlorine in it.
Step 5: Wait One Month
That’s how long it usually takes for your cutting to grow roots. It takes about three weeks for the roots to show up at the bottom of the plant. Let them grow for another week or so before you put them again.
Step 6: Plant Your New Rooted Cutting
Plant your new cutting with roots in wet potting soil. For the first two months, make sure the soil stays evenly moist so the roots can take hold.
This kind of wetness meter will be very helpful! Once every three months after three months, start giving the fiddle leaf fig plant food.
The new plant might not really get going for a year or so, but if you wait and prune it, you’ll have a brand-new fiddle leaf fig plant to enjoy!
It might look hard or scientific to propagate, but it’s really not that hard. It’s more satisfying to grow your own plant from a cutting than to love a fiddle leaf fig plant from the store!
Varinder Pal Singh
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