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How to Pronounce 25 Tricky British Last Names and Titles


Many American English speakers are so used to their particular brand of silent letters and strange pronunciations that they utter words like laugh, jeopardy, and colonel without thinking too much about it. But when we see an especially egregious example specific to British English—say, a name like Cholmondeley—we tend to get a little incredulous. 

From Belvoir to Wriothesley, here are 25 British titles and surnames that don’t sound like they look. (Keep in mind, though, that names often have multiple pronunciations—and the correct way to say a particular person’s name is however they tell you it should be said.)

The customary British pronunciation of Belvoir is “BEE-ver,” just like beaver.

Plenty of Beauchamps say “BOH-shahmp” after the French pronunciation. But in the UK, you’ll also hear “BEE-chum,” same as Beecham.

Rose Hanbury is the Marchioness (“mar-shuh-NESS”) of Cholmondeley, pronounced “CHUM-lee.” It’s also the surname of Charles Cholmondeley, the MI5 agent who masterminded World War II’s pivotal Operation Mincemeat.

It’s “KOH-burn” like Coburn, OK?

The name of this historic Scottish clan is usually pronounced “kuh-HOON” or “kull-HOON.”

The surname of one of two characters in the BBC’s detective series Dalziel and Pascoe is pronounced “dee-ELL.” (You might also hear “DEE-ill.”)

Some people’s pronunciation of Featherstonehaugh (and other spellings of the name) more or less matches its appearance. But it’s also said “FAN-shaw” or “FERN-shaw.”

The Fenwick of Delaware’s Fenwick Island is pronounced like it looks. But in the UK, you often drop the “w” sound: “FEN-ick.”

The surname of Ralph Fiennes of Voldemort fame, Shakespeare in Love star Joseph Fiennes, explorer Ranulph Fiennes, and everyone else in the Fiennes family is pronounced exactly like the word fines. (And Ralph Fiennes’s first name is pronounced “RAIF.”)

Geoghegan is typically pronounced “GAY-gun.”

For the duke of Gloucester and the town of Gloucester, it’s “GLOSS-ter.”

The surname of Deborah Kerr—star of The King and I, An Affair to Remember, and countless other classics—is “KAR,” just like car

The surname of Elizabethan noblewoman Lettice Knollys—who married Elizabeth I’s possible lover Robert Dudley—is pronounced “NOLZ,” like Knowles. (And her first name isn’t said like lettuce—it’s “leh-TEESS.”)

The Leveson-Gower family dates back to the 17th century. Modern pronunciations of the name vary widely, but it’s traditionally “LOO-sun GOR.”

The name of Captain Mainwaring, a character in the classic British sitcom Dad’s Army, is pronounced “MAN-er-ing,” just like mannering.

This surname, of another historic Scottish clan, is pronounced “MARCH-banks.”

This Scottish surname is traditionally pronounced “MING-iss” or “MING-iz,” but plenty of people today—including The Crown and Outlander star Tobias Menzies—say “MEN-zeez.”

The surname of famed 17th-century English diarist Samuel Pepys is pronounced “PEEPS,” just like the Easter treats.

The traditional way to say the earl of Shrewsbury’s title is “SHROHZ-bur-ee.” (The town in Shropshire is sometimes called “SHROOZ-bur-ee,” though.)

It’s not always “Saint John”—sometimes it’s “SIN-jun.”

Plenty of people say “STAN-hope,” but it’s technically “STAN-up.”  

If you’re talking about an earl of Warwick, it’s “WAR-ick.”

Author P.G. Wodehouse’s surname is pronounced “WOOD-house.”

For the earl of Worcester and the town, it’s “WOOSS-ter,” where the “oo” sound matches that of wood. (The Worcestershire of Worcestershire sauce, by the way, is “WOOSS-ter-sheer” or “WOOSS-ter-sher.”)

Of all the possible pronunciations of the historic English surname Wriothesley, the least intuitive is “RIZZ-lee.” (The character in the video game Genshin Impact says “RIZE-lee.”)


Ellen Gutoskey

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