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How to Plan Your Week According to the Planets – The Blissful Mind


Have you ever noticed that certain days of the week have a different energy to them?

Perhaps we can blame the planets for that 🪐

One of the most interesting things I’ve discovered in my astrology deep-dives is that each day of the week is governed by a planet or a luminary (meaning the moon or sun).

Of course, whether or not you believe the planets have this kind of power is up to you. But you may see that your schedule is already aligned with the planet days of the week without even realizing it. 

For example, Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Without knowing this, I subconsciously (or intuitively?) chose to send my weekly newsletter on the most appropriate day.

If you want a schedule that gives you flexibility and variety, planning a few things in your calendar based on the planetary rulers could be just the thing you need.

Let’s explore which planet rules each day, what significance that holds, and what tasks you can schedule each day for optimal success in your productivity, energy, and relationships.

How to plan your week with the planets

Monday: The Moon 🌙

The moon—though obviously not a planet—rules emotions and intuition. The moon also rules Cancer, the mother figure of the zodiac.

If you don’t feel particularly lively on Mondays, feel free to blame it on the moon. The moon can often bring an emotional and shadowy energy to the day. But that doesn’t mean you have to dread Mondays!

This is a great day for reflection and setting yourself up for the week in a way that aligns with your needs. If you’re able to, take this as a chill, no expectations kind of day. Focus on planning, organizing, and easing into the week.

Here’s how to make the most of the Moon’s energy:

  • Prioritize relaxation and quiet time
  • Spend time in nature (especially by the water)
  • Do some emotional self-care
  • Journal
  • Practice light and flowy movement (think yoga, walking, or stretching)

Tuesday: Mars 🔥

Mars is the planet of drive and power. Mars also rules Aries, the passionate and fiery wild child of the zodiac. 

The energy from Mars makes Tuesday a great day to get things done. While Monday was for refueling, Tuesday gives us a full tank of gas for taking action.

You may feel more enthusiastic and passionate on Tuesday. That makes it a great day to start new projects, crush your to-do list, and do the hard things that you won’t have the energy for at the end of the week.

Here’s how to make the most of Mars’ energy:

  • Get started on new projects
  • Knock out your to-do list
  • Declutter and clean
  • Do something that scares you just a little
  • Get your heart racing with an intense workout (think kickboxing, HIIT, or a team sport)

Wednesday: Mercury 💭

Mercury is the planet of intellect and communication. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, the chatterboxes of the zodiac.

Since Mercury is the planet of communication, this is a great day for meetings, sending emails, and starting new conversations. It’s likely you already communicate with friends more on Wednesdays than any other day without realizing it!

From a creative standpoint, this is also a great day for brainstorming, writing, planning, and organizing your ideas. If you happen to be reading this blog post on a Wednesday, today would be a great day to try scheduling your calendar with the planets!

Here’s how to make the most of Mercury’s energy:

  • Brainstorm ideas
  • Schedule meetings and calls
  • Sign contracts (if Mercury’s not in retrograde)
  • Clear out your email inbox
  • Plan your editorial calendar

Thursday: Jupiter 🍀

Jupiter is the planet of growth and abundance. Jupiter also rules Sagittarius, the wisdom-seeker and world-traveler of the zodiac.

Thursday has a calmer energy than Wednesday, but there’s a lot of energy for expansion and growth. There’s something about Thursdays that lights a fire underneath you, and many people consider this the most productive day of the week. 

This is a great day for learning, practicing gratitude, and working on your finances. If abundance is your goal, Thursday is the day to attract it.

Here’s how to make the most of Jupiter’s energy:

  • Learn something new
  • Practice gratitude
  • Make a vision board
  • Review your budget
  • Start a new hobby or habit

Friday: Venus 💖

Venus is the planet of love and beauty. Venus also rules Taurus and Libra, two signs that appreciate beauty and comfort.

Friday is typically known as the date night of the week and for good reason. Friday is all about celebrating love, connection, and belonging. This is a great day to appreciate the people you love in your life, and that includes appreciating yourself.

As far as work goes, this is a great day to woo your boss or coworkers with new ideas and to generally try and go about your work with lightheartedness.

Here’s how to make the most of Venus’ energy:

  • Wear your favorite outfit or try a new hairstyle
  • Treat yourself to flowers or something else beautiful
  • Make a fancy dinner and watch a movie
  • Call your friends and tell them how much you adore them
  • Visit an art gallery or a place that feels beautiful to you

Saturday: Saturn 🪐

Saturn is the planet of structure and discipline. Saturn rules Capricorn, the father figure of the zodiac.

Saturday is typically associated with fun. For most of us, it’s the first day of the weekend.  But Saturn actually has a stern and stoic energy about it that can be useful for getting things done.

Whereas Sunday is a day for the inner child, Saturday is a day to be an adult. That makes it a great day to do yard work, clean the house, plan for the week ahead, work on your habits, and tie up any loose ends on projects. Any work done today will pay off in the long run.

Here’s how to make the most of Saturn’s energy:

  • Organize and declutter your home
  • Prepare for the next week (plan your to-do list, meal plan, etc.)
  • Focus on academic tasks like studying or learning
  • Finish up projects or tasks from the previous week
  • Make progress on your goals

Sunday: The Sun 🌞

The Sun represents creativity, expression, and vitality. The Sun rules Leo, one of the most creative signs of the zodiac.

Sunday is typically the day of rest, and its positive energy makes it a great time to relax and unwind. The Sun encourages radiance, growth, and illumination, which makes Sunday a good day to express your creativity.

The vitality of the sun makes it perfect for spending time with loved ones or working on your inner reflection and growth. Try not to schedule anything too demanding and instead look at Sunday as a day of play. 

Here’s how to make the most of the Sun’s energy:

  • Prioritize rest and relaxation
  • Express yourself creatively – whatever that means to you
  • Go grocery shopping and cook a delicious meal
  • Spend time outside
  • Connect with family and friends

Does your schedule align with the planet days of the week?

I hope this post has helped you think of new ways to structure your weekly schedule. Do you notice any patterns in your productivity and moods on certain days of the week? Where is your schedule already aligned with the planet days of the week? 

I’d love to hear what you think about this topic. Share your thoughts in a comment below!


Catherine Beard

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