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How to make your home safer – Growing Family


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Nobody wants to live in an unsafe home – a home where, rather than being comfortable and secure, you’re at risk of injury. Plus, if you’re not the only one living in your home, whether the other residents are family, friends, or pets, you won’t want them to get hurt either. 

To avoid issues, you need to take steps to ensure your home is as safe as it can be. If your home is safe, you’ll not only be reducing risk; you’ll also enjoy being there a lot more and you’ll be more relaxed, which in turn can make life happier.

Here are three simple things you can do to get started on making your home safer.

first aid kit for home safety

Carry out regular maintenance checks

Something that can make a house unsafe, or at least less safe, is maintenance issues that go unresolved.

It might not seem like too much of a problem to ignore a dripping tap, for example, but that dripping tap could be a symptom of a larger leak that would lead to damage and mould, both of which are potentially dangerous. Or what about a loose floorboard or a piece of carpet, some faulty wiring, damaged foundations, or an out-of-date fire extinguisher… the list goes on. 

By fixing these things as soon as you notice them, and by carrying out regular (perhaps monthly) maintenance checks around the home, you can ensure the place is as safe as possible for anyone who lives there or visits. 

Fire safety measures

One of the most frightening things that can happen in a home is for a fire to break out. Fires can get out of control very quickly, and the damage they cause can be catastrophic. And of course, a house fire can cause nasty injuries – or worse. That’s why having good fire safety measures in your home is vital. 

Some examples of home fire safety measures include fire doors with the right fire door handles, in-date fire extinguishers, fire blankets, a fire exit plan (just in case there’s a fire, this plan means everyone knows how to get out safely and where to meet), and, of course, smoke detectors on every floor.

man fitting a smoke detector on a ceilingman fitting a smoke detector on a ceiling

A first aid kit

No matter how safe and careful you are, accidents can still happen. This fact makes having a good, up-to-date, fully stocked first aid kit in your home a great idea. Having one on the premises means if anything untoward happens, you’ll have everything you need to help the injured person. 

Your first aid kit should indlude:

  • bandages
  • plasters
  • dressings
  • alcohol wipes
  • tweezers
  • scissors
  • disposable gloves
  • eye wash solution
  • painkillers
  • antihistamines
  • plus anything else you think would be useful to specific members of the household.

The more stocked your first aid kit is, the more help you can be. Of course, you might still need to see a doctor or call an ambulance after an accident, but as the name suggests, a first aid kit can help you provide the initial care when an accident occurs.

Don’t forget to check your first aid kit on a regular basis, and restock it when you’re running low or when something is out of date. It’s better to be safe than sorry.



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