Dating & Love
How to make dating work for you in 2022 — mysinglefriend blog
Online dating gets very busy in January so now is the perfect time to give your profile a boost. Covid is still with us but with a lateral flow test and some common sense you can still meet up and chat with potential dates. But, before you go looking, make some time to give your dating profile some TLC. Here are some great tips on making it stand out.
Switch up your pictures
Updating your profile is a surefire way to freshen up your profile. Even if you think the one you’ve had as your primary shot for ages is the best photo that was ever taken of you, it’s time to change it. People who have previously passed you by will have their interest piqued and you’ll gain a whole new audience.
Be specific about your passions
If your profile currently states that you like drinking wine, going to the gym or enjoy ‘culture’, it’s time to get specific. Do you enjoy lifting weights or doing kettlebell classes? Have you been on a vineyard tour around California? Do you love visiting modern art museums? Adding detail makes it easier for people to start a conversation with you.
Ask a friend to write you a narrative
The beauty of MySingleFriend is that you don’t have to do all the hard work as a friend can write about you too. It’s a unique feature of our site so make sure you use it! Having someone else chip in some stories and details about you really makes your profile come to life.
Tell potential dates what you’re looking for
It really helps potential dates to know what you’re looking for and what you’re likely to respond to. We don’t recommend including too many dealbreakers, such as ‘must be brunette’, but saying you’d like to meet someone who loves being outdoors helps potential dates picture themselves with you and will be more likely to get in touch.
Stay in a positive mindset
We’ve all had a tough time lately but it’s important to make sure you’re a shining beacon of positivity when online dating, rather than adding extra gloom to someone’s life. Of course there’s always room for a bit of a moan but save it for when you meet someone in person, rather than putting them off you by including it in your profile.
If you’re looking for long term love, sign up free to and get searching!
Karen Dickinson
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