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How to Get Young Kids Volunteering in Spartanburg


Are you looking for volunteer opportunities in Spartanburg for young children to participate? We’ve come up with several places where young kids can volunteer and where kids can take donations in Spartanburg. Peruse the list and find a Spartanburg location that will motivate your child to give.

Volunteering in Greenville

Volunteering for small kidsVolunteering for small kids

More and more, families are using the holiday season to spread kindness and teach children the spirit of giving.

Our family celebrates the season leading up to Christmas with an activity-filled advent calendar, which includes fun Christmas activities, as well as acts of kindness, giving or service.

But with three children under 4, finding age-appropriate opportunities can be challenging. While they are too young to volunteer at soup kitchens, hospitals or food banks, there are still many things they can do in and around Spartanburg and the Upstate to help our community.

Organizations that rely on donations all year

Last year when my son was 2, and we were looking for a charity he would both understand and be excited to help, we chose the Humane Society. After setting a budget, my son helped us choose food, beds, and treats for the dogs and cats waiting for homes. He loved helping load up the shopping cart, and carrying the bags. At the Humane Society building on Airport Road, he very proudly handed over the items we were dropping off. He got to meet some of the puppies and was so proud of himself for helping the animals.

  • Hope Center for Children in Spartanburg keeps accepts donations, and offers the opportunity to volunteer.
  • Spartanburg Soup Kitchen donations can be made any day of the week from 7:30 am – 2 pm or online.
  • P.S. I Love You Ministries in Spartanburg accepts clothing donations, as well as wish list items and care bag items, which are given to children in foster care.
  • Daily Bread Ministries runs Greer Soup Kitchen. They have a wish list of items they need to stock the kitchen pantry.
  • Atheists Helping the Homeless does a giveaway of toiletries, clothing, food to go, and a hot meal on the third Sunday of each month at 10 am at Hub City Farmers Market, during which volunteers are always needed. AHH also maintains a wishlist.
  • Greer Community Ministries provides items for Meals on Wheels Pets, the Food Pantry, and Sharon’s Closest. They keep an updated current needs list and accept items Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.
  • The Haven is a homeless shelter for families in Spartanburg. They have a needed items list.
  • DSS has a wish list for children in foster care in Region 1 (which includes Greenville and Spartanburg counties).
  • Lutheran Services of the Carolinas has wish lists for senior citizens, refugees, and foster care.
  • Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Carolinas has an Amazon wish list.
  • Thrive Upstate helps people with disabilities and special needs.  They accept monetary donations.
  • Calvary Home for Children in Anderson has a list of items in need.
  • Wildlife Rehab of Greenville has a variety of ways to help the animals in their care.
  • Greenville County Animal Care has a wish list, as well as the opportunity to sponsor an animal while they wait for their forever home.

Make Christmas Cards or Decorations

This is a great idea for little ones because the bulk of their volunteering can be done at home. Colorful paper chains, garland or pictures really brighten up hospitals, fire stations, retirement communities, children’s homes or animal shelters. Be sure to call before delivering your cards or decorations.

I’ve had several friends ask about sending Christmas cards to soldiers. One of the more popular organizations is Operation Gratitude. This organization sends care packages and letters to those who serve. Additionally, they collect Beanie Babies for soldiers to give to children in combat zones, and they also run a Halloween Candy Give-Back program.

Adopt a Family or Child

The Salvation Army of Spartanburg has several opportunities for families to serve throughout the holidays including their Adopt a Family and Angel Tree Program.

Adopt a military family through Soldiers Angels.  This is not a local organization; however, you can request families in particular states.

Operation Christmas Child is an international charity that delivers shoeboxes filled with toys and necessities to children in need all over the world. Many of my friends with small children do this because it’s something the kids will understand and can help with at home. This Christmas, you can still donate and have them create a box for you online.

Volunteer Opportunities for kids in spartanburgVolunteer Opportunities for kids in spartanburg

Help with a Toy, Food, Clothing or Donation Drive

Young children can help collect items by asking neighbors, friends or family members to donate. They can also sort items into boxes and help deliver everything to designated drop off spots. Families can also organize donation drives through several local charities. Items can be collected at Christmas parties, cookie exchanges, or even play dates.

Places to donate toy, clothing or food this time of year

Upstate Food Not Bombs helps feed, clothe, and support the Upstate homeless population. They post updated needs weekly, and this is an easy way to involve your children in a donation effort.

helping at the Humane Societyhelping at the Humane Society

Spread Cheer and Good Will

Bake cookies and make decorations to drop off at your local fire station, police station, hospital, urgent care, assisted living facility or doctor’s office. Be sure to call first to make sure there is a good time to do this.

Write letters or draw Christmas pictures to give to your mail carrier, neighbor or teacher.

My son is very shy, but one thing he has loved doing lately is handing out stickers to people he meets throughout our day. We recently bought a sheet of Christmas stickers, and so far he has handed them out to the cashier at the grocery store, the librarian, a friend who came over and the UPS guy.

Make bird feeders to hang in your yard to help birds through the winter.

Write a nice note or make a holiday card for a family member.

Make a batch of peppermint-scented play dough for a friend.

Buy a box of Christmas cards from the dollar store and leave them on windshields, in random mailboxes or hand them out to the Salvation Army Bell Ringers.

How do your kids participate in charity during the holidays?


Kristen Alcock

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