Weeds that grow in grass and are usually called burgrass or Sandspurs are called sandbur. The weed is so poisonous that 46 states have listed it as a noxious weed. The plant is in the Poaceae family, and early in the year it looks like normal grass. Later on, it turns into the stinky plant that we all know and hate.

Most of the time, sandbur can be found in the southern United States and in some states, like Northern California and Washington, DC. Perennial Sandburs, a type of sandbur that lives through the winter, have been found in Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico, and they are hard to control.

Sandburs can grow in almost any kind of soil, but they do best in dry, sandy areas, which is where they get their name. The grass starts to grow in the spring and stays there all summer and fall until the first frost kills it.

Sandspur Non-Chemical Control

If you want to use cultural or non-chemical ways to control weeds, you need to keep up with regular lawn care. This means cutting it down, watering it, and feeding it the right way. The first thing you should do is try to get a thick, healthy yard. Sandspur will grow less if you make your lawn denser.

This is because the weed will have a harder time competing with the grass for room and sunlight. If there are empty spots in the grass, sandspur can grow and do well there. If you mow your sandspur-infested yard, the seed heads won’t be able to grow, which will make it less likely that it will come back next year.

If you fertilize your yard the right way, it will grow a healthy canopy that is thick enough to keep weeds out.

Sandspur Chemical Control

Chemicals can be used to get rid of sandspur, and there are choices for both pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides. As the name suggests, a pre-emergent kills weeds before they sprout and show up in your yard. Post-emergents, on the other hand, are things that kill weeds that are already there.

Post-Emergent Control Of Sandspur

Celsius WG by Bayer is one of the best post-emergent weed killers for sandspur. It contains Thiencarbazone-methyl, Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium, and Dicamba, which are the active chemicals. With a backpack sprayer, this product can be used as a broad application or a spot treatment. Compared to other pesticides, it is less likely to hurt turfgrasses when temperatures are high.

How To Kill Sand Spurs In 6 Easy And Best Ways

Step 1 – Pull Out The Sand Spurs By Hand

This is the first thing that needs to be done to get rid of these thorny weeds. This is what you should do if you see small areas of weeds in your yard or lawn.

But this step might not work as well if this weed is already growing like crazy in your yard. To get rid of this plant from big areas, use a mower.​

The plants have sharp spines that can cut you if you try to pull them out by hand. Wear thick yard gloves to protect your hands.

To make the job easier, you can water the area a little before you pull these plants out. Put the weeds and dried thorns in the brown bags so they are safe.

Step 2 – Use A Mower With A Clipper Catcher On The Bigger Infestation Areas.

If the growth is too much for you to pull out by hand, you should use a mower. It helps you save a lot of time and work.

The built-in catcher will take care of collecting the mowed sand spurs, so you won’t have to. This is a pretty good way to keep sand spurs from growing back.

A mower with a waste collector costs a lot. But if you want to buy a lawn mower, spend that extra dollar on one that has a bag for collecting grass clippings.

It will definitely be a good buy because it will help you mow your lawn regularly and pull weeds.

Step 3 – Have A Regular Watering And Mowing Routine

Please do everything you can to keep sand spurs from coming back after you get rid of them. If you water this weed often, it will not grow as much because it likes it dry and hot.

They don’t want to go into damp, cool places. By watering your yard regularly, you will give it the water it needs and stop weeds from growing.

If you have time, cut the grass every day or once a week. This will not only stop these weeds from growing, but it will also help you spot any new growth so you can get rid of it right away.

Generally, you should mow your yard every week so that the grass is no longer than 4 inches long.

Step 4 – Use Fertilizers With Nitrogen

Low-nitrogen soil makes it easy for sand spurs to grow. The growth of these annoying invaders can be stopped by adding more nitrogen to the soil.

For every 1000 square feet of yard, you should use one pound of nitrogen fertilizer. This will feed the grass and keep sand spurs away.

In the spring, when these weeds are starting to grow, you can fertilize your yard. To stop these weeds from growing, you could also think about putting down organic mulch.

Step 5 – Use An Eco-Friendly Herbicide – Corn Gluten Meal Herbicide

For killing sand spur seeds before they sprout, corn gluten meal is a great organic pre-emergent pesticide. That being said, you should be very careful about when you apply.

Once sand spur weeds have grown roots, it is not possible to get rid of them. During the summer, they are mostly used. When using this pesticide, you need to be extra careful, and you shouldn’t plant any seeds right after you put it down.

Use a rotating spreader to spread the corn gluten mean herbicide out evenly. For every 1000 square feet of land, 20 pounds of the meal pesticide would work great.

Step 6 – Post-Emergent Herbicide – The Last Resort

If you’ve ever dealt with weeds, you know that they get tough to most treatments over time. If the sand spurs still get into your landscaping after you’ve done all of the above, you will have to use a post-emergent pesticide.

This is a pretty strong solution that will get rid of this weed completely, but it might hurt other plants that are growing near it. Don’t spray them on other plants, then.


We have put together the best ways to get rid of these bugs so you don’t have to look for them all over the place. These tips will help you see weeds coming up before it’s too late. To quickly go over the things that need to be done to get rid of these weeds:

  • Make sure you take care of your lawn regularly.
  • Sand spurs will not grow if you water your lawn often.
  • On-time fertilization
  • Stop fell sand spur seeds from sprouting.
  • If the growth has gotten out of hand, spray pesticides on it.
  • A well-known saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure.” These weeds are the same way. It spreads really quickly once they find a place to live.

As a result of this, it is in your best interest to keep them from coming near you. Taking care of your environment on time will help a lot with this problem. Furthermore, you wouldn’t have to feel bad about using pesticides or worry about getting hurt.

Varinder Pal Singh

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