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 Who am I? What do I want? What am I here for? These are the questions that may haunt you.

Life often puts us in the hardest of situations which can be handled only by ourselves. Any of us in these situations may feel like we’re sinking under the water with no one else to support us.

Here we’ll show you some ways to come out of these problems and be yourself again:-

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First of all,believe it or not but there is absolutely no one in this world for you except you!

However impossible or hard it may seem you have to realise the problem and come out of it.

If you feel that you’re lost then you may check out this article – TRAUMA

After getting rid of that bug that’s bothering you ,you need to do things to find yourself .

Figure Out Who You Are

People are mostly a combination of their good and bad traits, and figuring out which of these define you will help you understand yourself better.

Start by defining yourself according to your terms. Are you funny? Charming? Altruistic? Passionate? Aggressive? Ill-willed? It might be anything.

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Being able to name your defining characteristics allows you to see yourself in a balanced way.

More importantly, it encourages you to become self-aware and distinguish the good from the bad.

  • Stop bothering of what other people think about you . Why to do so? Well, are they the one who knows how it feels like to live your life? NOPE! And also you are not in Britain’s got talent that other people get to  judge you. I mean ,let them judge ,just STOP validating their bullshit judgments .

books about self love importance of self love love my self how to practice self  loveself-love techniques We compiled a short guide to help you embrace and be yourself in front of others. Bullying advice & support. Youth advice & support. warning signs of a toxic relationship   toxic person start loving yourself  love ourselves mental health articles dream girl 	dream catcher	 	dream11	 	dreamstime	 	dream girl movie	 	dream girl full movie	 	dream league	 	dream quotes	 	dream girl cast	 	dream analysis	 	dream a little dream of me achievement quotes achievement motivation achievement award	 	achievement and success achievement and success quotes goals in life	 	goals and objectives	 	goals are categorized as	 	goals and objectives of ncf 2005 	goals and objectives of social group work	 	goals and objectives of family planning	 	goals and dreams	 	goals and objectives of community health nursing 	a goals-based theory of utility	 	a goals list 	traumatic	 	trauma meaning	 	traumatic meaning	 	traumatized	 	traumatised	 	traumatised meaning	 	trauma synonym

  • Stop focusing on the past you . Your past actions ,though impactful , do not define who you are in this present moment.

books about self love importance of self love love my self how to practice self  loveself-love techniques We compiled a short guide to help you embrace and be yourself in front of others. Bullying advice & support. Youth advice & support. warning signs of a toxic relationship   toxic person start loving yourself  love ourselves mental health articles dream girl 	dream catcher	 	dream11	 	dreamstime	 	dream girl movie	 	dream girl full movie	 	dream league	 	dream quotes	 	dream girl cast	 	dream analysis	 	dream a little dream of me achievement quotes achievement motivation achievement award	 	achievement and success achievement and success quotes goals in life	 	goals and objectives	 	goals are categorized as	 	goals and objectives of ncf 2005 	goals and objectives of social group work	 	goals and objectives of family planning	 	goals and dreams	 	goals and objectives of community health nursing 	a goals-based theory of utility	 	a goals list 	traumatic	 	trauma meaning	 	traumatic meaning	 	traumatized	 	traumatised	 	traumatised meaning	 	trauma synonym

  • Be fearless ! It’s your life. Don’t think twice before trying out the things that you’ve always wanted to try.

books about self love importance of self love love my self how to practice self  loveself-love techniques We compiled a short guide to help you embrace and be yourself in front of others. Bullying advice & support. Youth advice & support. warning signs of a toxic relationship   toxic person start loving yourself  love ourselves mental health articles dream girl 	dream catcher	 	dream11	 	dreamstime	 	dream girl movie	 	dream girl full movie	 	dream league	 	dream quotes	 	dream girl cast	 	dream analysis	 	dream a little dream of me achievement quotes achievement motivation achievement award	 	achievement and success achievement and success quotes goals in life	 	goals and objectives	 	goals are categorized as	 	goals and objectives of ncf 2005 	goals and objectives of social group work	 	goals and objectives of family planning	 	goals and dreams	 	goals and objectives of community health nursing 	a goals-based theory of utility	 	a goals list 	traumatic	 	trauma meaning	 	traumatic meaning	 	traumatized	 	traumatised	 	traumatised meaning	 	trauma synonym

  • Stop depending on anyone else except yourself . There is nothing that the others can do and you cannot.

books about self love importance of self love love my self how to practice self  loveself-love techniques We compiled a short guide to help you embrace and be yourself in front of others. Bullying advice & support. Youth advice & support. warning signs of a toxic relationship   toxic person start loving yourself  love ourselves mental health articles dream girl 	dream catcher	 	dream11	 	dreamstime	 	dream girl movie	 	dream girl full movie	 	dream league	 	dream quotes	 	dream girl cast	 	dream analysis	 	dream a little dream of me achievement quotes achievement motivation achievement award	 	achievement and success achievement and success quotes goals in life	 	goals and objectives	 	goals are categorized as	 	goals and objectives of ncf 2005 	goals and objectives of social group work	 	goals and objectives of family planning	 	goals and dreams	 	goals and objectives of community health nursing 	a goals-based theory of utility	 	a goals list 	traumatic	 	trauma meaning	 	traumatic meaning	 	traumatized	 	traumatised	 	traumatised meaning	 	trauma synonym

  • Talk to yourself . Do what feels right and follow your intuitions .It will never lead you to a wrong destination.

Finally ,find a perfect time that feels right and let go of all the shit that weights you down. At the end of the day everybody wants you to suffer, so you know what ? Smile and that will be the reciprocation.

books about self love importance of self love love my self how to practice self  loveself-love techniques We compiled a short guide to help you embrace and be yourself in front of others. Bullying advice & support. Youth advice & support. warning signs of a toxic relationship   toxic person start loving yourself  love ourselves mental health articles dream girl 	dream catcher	 	dream11	 	dreamstime	 	dream girl movie	 	dream girl full movie	 	dream league	 	dream quotes	 	dream girl cast	 	dream analysis	 	dream a little dream of me achievement quotes achievement motivation achievement award	 	achievement and success achievement and success quotes goals in life	 	goals and objectives	 	goals are categorized as	 	goals and objectives of ncf 2005 	goals and objectives of social group work	 	goals and objectives of family planning	 	goals and dreams	 	goals and objectives of community health nursing 	a goals-based theory of utility	 	a goals list 	traumatic	 	trauma meaning	 	traumatic meaning	 	traumatized	 	traumatised	 	traumatised meaning	 	trauma synonym



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