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EpicHeroes also known as Epic Heroes is a Pop culture website with news, reviews,  and opinions on anything from sci-fi movies and new movies releases. EpicHeroes have tons of new movies trailers also. New trailers and movie trailers are all genres, but we do focus a bit on sci-fi movies and comic book movie news. The latest movie releases are showcased here, but again we have a slight bias towards comic movie news and especially Marvel movies.

EpicHeroes also have video games news and video games trailers, from the latest video game releases on X-Box One, PS4, Nintendo and PC. Throw in some comics news, and comic book movie news, tv shows news and reviews again with a bias towards sci-fi tv shows news.

EpicHeroes have some geek tech videos and articles, cosplay, art, videos and so much more. We also sell lots of cool gear, gadgets, toys and merchandise. We were established in 2000 in London and have been going ever since.

EpicHeroes like to write about everything from the best anime on Netflixaction figure news, Batman news, cinema news, comic books, and comic book movie news. All our articles like new movies releases feature video and commentary in some form. We like to “splash” new trailers on pages so you can enjoy the cinematic experience.

Then there is video game news, movie trailers, games, hot toys, the latest gaming news, the most recent comic movie news and the latest trailers.

EpicHeroes are big fans of Marvel movies, Marvel figures, we are very excited about Marvel Heroes Omega coming to consoles. Don’t forget we will also have Marvel toys and Marvel Legends news and Marvel videos.

EpicHeroes like to see ourselves as a comic movie news site amongst the plethora of movie news websites. We have movie reviews, movie trailers, movies movies, movies to watch. To reiterate its all about the latest movie releases and new trailers.

We are hardcore gamers and video game news, video games, pc games, pc gaming news, X-Box, PS4 and Nintendo news plus video game trailers you will find plenty of here. Are you playing Fortnite?

Wait there is more like Star Wars toy news, toy news in general, Transformers news, Transformers toys. We love sharing videos about Star Wars .. We have loads of Fan-made Star Wars movies on the site, be sure to search the archives.

In case you missed it there will be info on upcoming comic book movies, superhero films, superhero movie news, superhero movies coming out. If you are like us, we have a voracious appetite for the newest comic book movie news.

With so many programmes these days we also have TV news, TV show news, TV show reviews. From Arrow to Game of Thrones to American Gods. Whether they are on Amazon or Now Tv or Netflix or Sky or Comcast.

Wait there is more! We love our tech, and we have tons of exciting features and articles in our Geek Tech section. From sci-fi related fictional tech to real-world tech that gets more sci-fi and comic booky by the day!

We like art and colours and cosplay too so if you just want some eye candy we cater for you also! cosplay is basically guys and gals who like to dress up in superheroes costumes.

We mix up comicbookroundup with tv show news. A dash of horror movie news plus hollywood movie news. We like to share and publish comic book movies list and in general superhero movie list. For a superhero list tru or Wikipedia. New comic book movies are a favourtite and we are total film. We will be on Alexa and Google Home soon so you can say “ok google show me comic book movie news”.

We aim to be one of the best comic book news sites and your ultimate comicbookresource. Being big fans of Marvel comic book news this should be on of your main comic book resources. We will do reviews like ign comic reviews and might even have a go at reviewing comic book stores themselves. Newsarama comics we are not.

Get your movie news, movie entertainment news from one of the foremost movie news websites called EpicHeroes. Whilst we are not a full comic book resources forum because we share comic book news and comic book info and talk about comic book movies, we are the next best thing. We’ll try to fullfill your needs for as specific as a comic book resources forum Batman or comic book resources forum Xmen and if not we will write comic book resources reviews. Find out about comic book movie news, tv show news cancellations, series news coming soon, tv entertainment news.



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