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How to Deal With Dating Anxiety: 9 Ways To Get Rid of The Problem


” I have dating anxiety…” Life is full of stress and unpredictable situations, and such an event as a first date is more than a serious cause for excitement… Some people cannot arrange a personal life just because they are afraid to go on dates and make a bad impression on a stranger. But excessive nervousness only spoils everything. How to overcome your fear? This article is for you.

A Definition of a Dating Anxiety

What is dating anxiety? This anxiety condition is associated with the fear of dates and new relationships. Many people get nervous before going on a date, for example, if they meet a partner on a dating site. But for some of us, it goes far beyond the usual excitement. Dating anxiety symptoms: people experience strong feelings, they have disturbing thoughts when it comes to dating, relationships, or going on the first date.

Dating anxiety is something that does not make you feel confident when you go on a date or a meeting. This is a problem that you can easily overcome. The main thing is to make an effort. If you want to stop being afraid to go on the first date, we have 12 great tips for you.

How to Deal With Dating Anxiety?

Agree, our life is already full of all sorts of stresses so we are also afraid of dating. Of course, a slight excitement should be present, but it has absolutely nothing to do with panic and fear. Moreover, nervousness can completely spoil the impression of the meeting.

1. Admit to yourself

It is normal to be aware of your mistakes and shortcomings. Tell yourself, “Yes, I am shy. I’m afraid something might go wrong. I’m human and I have feelings.” Once you do this, it will become much easier for you. You can let go of the situation. You will instantly feel relaxed and confident. As the saying goes, “Awareness of a problem is the first step towards solving it.”

2. Understand: we are all human

How to calm dating anxiety? Don’t forget that your partner is also human and may feel more embarrassed than you might think. We all understand perfectly well that everyone feels insecure at the first meeting, on the first date. When we open up to our interlocutor but are not yet sure whether they will accept us for who we are.

3. Go to the gym before a date

Dealing with dating anxiety: instead of wasting energy on worries, spend it on doing physical exercises. Sports help cope with nervous tension, as well as increase the production of endorphins, which will help you feel confident and happy – just what you need before a first date!

4. Wear what you feel comfortable in

When choosing an outfit for a first date, don’t get hung up on the latest fashion trends or trying to look “cool”. The most important thing right now is that you feel comfortable, as this is the key to confidence. But it’s very hard to feel confident and relaxed if you’re worried about clothes that restrict your movement or don’t suit your style. Yes, be sure to make sure that all wardrobe items are clean.

5. Listen to relaxing music

Music can calm anyone. Play your favorite song before the date. Dance, sing, and just have a good time. Listen to only fun and energetic music that will leave you excited throughout the date. Stay away from oppressive lyrical melodies, they will only worsen the situation.

online dating anxiety

6. Take a shower

Instead of diving into severe dating anxiety, take a shower. It is known that people feel more relaxed near the water, so taking a shower before a romantic meeting will not only help you clean up but also get rid of unnecessary tension – the main thing is to set a comfortable water temperature.

7. Try different relaxation techniques

Before a date, you temptingly think through all the possible events of your meeting. Will you kiss each other? Will there be a second date? If you are annoyed by the thought of this, try to turn your attention to something else. It is not yet time to leave the house, open the book and immerse yourself in the story with all your thoughts, meditate. Proper breathing, yoga, and meditation are the most effective ways to deal with anxiety. They will help you find harmony in yourself. Take a few deep breaths in and out or find a special set of exercises on the Internet. Shift your attention to things that will dispel your anxiety.

8. Don’t focus on your appearance

You have already done everything to look stunning, one hundred percent! Now it remains only the case for soap – let go of the situation. The partner has already managed to evaluate your image in its entirety. They are preoccupied only with you and thoughts about you, and, of course, thoughts about what impression he makes on others.

9. Remember that your partner wants to spend time with you

How to get over dating anxiety? One of the most helpful tips for coping with pre-date stress is to realize that your partner has already agreed to meet you, or even proposed to you! If they want to spend their free time with you, they like you. They wouldn’t date you if they didn’t want to. So stop worrying. They want to be with you just as much as you want them.

10. Plan a date in advance

How to get rid of extreme dating anxiety? If you’re worried about prolonged silence, come up with a few conversation topics ahead of time. Make a mental list of your best stories and the things you love to talk about the most. If you sincerely relate to each other, then the conversation will pass easily and naturally. However, if you want to reduce stress, it’s good to have a backup plan. This will give you peace of mind and prevent you from worrying about running out of topics to talk about.

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11. Get closer to your fear

Are you worried about dating anxiety after divorce? Don’t try to escape your fear by pretending nothing is happening. Examine your experiences in as much detail as possible. Try to understand what exactly you are afraid of. Are all your fears associated with the upcoming date rational? After all, they may not have a connection with reality. In this case, you should not give them so much power.

12. Get rid of your feelings

Sometimes it is useful to distance yourself from your own experiences, and from extreme dating anxiety: just watch them from the side. Emotions in this case are unlikely to help you tune in to a romantic mood. Therefore, we recommend that you turn them off for a while. Concentrate not on the possible problem, but on its potential solution. This will help you reduce your anxiety level.

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Final Word

So, dating anxiety meaning: this is the fear of new first dates, the anxiety of starting a new relationship. If you’re nervous before a date, you probably have a goal to please. Change it to “get to know this person better” and the angle of your attention will immediately be directed in a more productive direction.



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