While brow growth and hair growth on the head are slightly different, a few things remain true to both—including the fact that massaging the skin underneath your hair is an A+ habit for growth

In one 2016 study, a small number of men received a daily four-minute scalp massage. At the conclusion of the study, the investigators found an increase in hair thickness3. A more recent 2019 study found that of the 300 or so participants who followed a specific massage regimen, nearly 70% reported improved hair thickness at the end4.  

Knowing this, why not give your brows a good massage? If you can, commit to a daily massage habit for your brows to see the best results. Use a gentle face oil or carrier oil (like jojoba, grapeseed, or squalane, for example) and massage the brows using your fingertips—you can even do this during the double-cleansing step of your evening skin care routine if applicable. 

Just make sure to be super gentle; you don’t want to pluck out any precious hairs.

Hannah Frye

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