Self Help
How Sathya Won In Life with Therapy – YourDOST Blog
“Your life is not a journey to the goal but is the goal itself.” – Ralph Marston
This quote sums up the ideology followed by our warrior Sathya. He works hard for the betterment of today and that sets him apart from the crowd.
The 28-year-old senior design engineer hails from the beautiful city of Coimbatore, across the Palghat Gaps. He works and lives in the town itself with his parents and sister, who works in the IT sector.
“I love playing sports, especially badminton and football, depending on my mood.”
Sathya has a great bond with his sister and is closest to his mother. He is working on his relationship with his father after their fallout.
“I am socially backward and sceptical about meeting friends and keeping contact. I have an issue even with making new friends as I am fundamentally an introvert.”

Sathya discovered the YourDOST platform as his company has collaborated with the organisation as their official mental health partner.
“I have been using the platform for one and a half years and met my therapist Ms Sharanya on it.”
Sathya initially experienced no change in his demeanour but with his therapist’s help, he gave therapy one more try. She helped him with different perspectives on coping with anxiety and anger management.
Sathya wanted to prepare for competitive examinations to bag a better job in the government sector. He had severe anxiety while preparing for the exams and wanted relief from the stress he experienced. He also used to lose sleep during these times and it was difficult to manage for him.
“Even when I prepared well for the exam, anxiety and stress hindered my productivity and started losing focus while appearing for the test.”
Sathya, being the introvert he is, didn’t have a lot of friends and wasn’t able to maintain relationships either. He would end up in conflicts with the people he is close to and he wanted this situation to change as quickly as possible.
“I wanted to mend my relationship with my father too and Ms Sharanya heard all my concerns, and assigned only the assignments that I was comfortable with.”

“I knew significant improvements take time and patience, but I started seeing changes in myself not long after practising the techniques.”
Sathya began his morning mindfulness meditation for anger management and used to follow his therapist’s tips and YouTube videos for practising mindfulness. He started doing deep breathing exercises to get over the fight-or-flight situations his mind would create.
He was advised to do the grounding exercises done by the 54321 method to anchor his emotions and help him get over without acting on them. Journaling was the next activity he preferred to do for pouring out the emotions onto paper and writing down counter thoughts for the negative ones that arise.
All these techniques started showing results in Sathya not long after.
“I had significant improvement with my anger management. There were issues with my father and sometimes I couldn’t control them but despite that, I was able to put a hold on my emotions and be civil. My therapist helped me understand that I have to try to improve after each such situation.”
Sathya recalls how journalling his emotions during such situations helped him overcome them and think with a clear head. He focused his energy on better things and started seeing significant improvements in little time.
“I have a lot of things to be grateful for towards my therapist as she is the one who lent me a helping hand when I needed it the most. I had great improvement in my social skills, and my confidence started soaring high, which helped me prepare very well for the examinations. I could feel changes in me and I was able to analyse situations better than ever.”
Sathya rated himself a solid 4 out of 5 in terms of improvement and described his journey as being a step-by-step process. We are glad we could help Sathya in being a better version of himself and wish him luck in the future!
Sathya’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Although each person is different, talking things through and communicating well by putting your ego aside would help you sort out things better.”
2.“Involving a third person in your relationship is a grave mistake. Be it your parents or friends, involving them in your personal life will never help.”
3.“Get professional help when and where needed without delaying the process.”
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