© shutterstock/Photoongraphy

For their numerous health advantages, reishi mushrooms have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years.

This nootropic has recently gained popularity as a dietary supplement in France and across Europe. Reishi mushrooms, which are sold as liquid tinctures or in capsule form, are potentially rivalling the CBD market as more people choose this all-natural alternative to treat anxiety, inflammation, and other health issues.

We all know that over the past few years, the therapeutic benefits of CBD (cannabidiol) have made it popular in France and in many other countries across the world. However, Reishi mushrooms have become yet another highly sought-after supplement in Paris and across other major cities in France.

The obvious shift from CBD to nootropics could be down to two things: one is the rise in popularity and interest in natural alternatives to traditional medication or, more specifically, the negative association people have with the cannabis industry.

Regardless of the reasons, the sales of Reishi mushroom supplements are anticipated to rise by 25% in 2023, reaching a value of €24 million, according to the French market research company Xerfi.

France’s reishi mushroom boom

Reishi mushroom extracts’ growing popularity is largely due to the fact that they provide advantages compared to those of CBD but with less stigma attached. Although it is legal in France, CBD, which is derived from the…

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