Water philodendrons need a deep soak once a week when they are actively growing in the spring and summer. Two times a week, mist the leaves of the philodendron with water because these plants like it when it’s more wet. In the winter, water philodendrons about once every ten days.

Read on to find out how to tell if your philodendron is getting too much or too little water and how to water it properly…

How Often To Water Philodendron

How Often To Water Philodendron Plants

Tropical climates are where philodendrons are native. They grow in forests with porous, well-draining soils that stay moist even when it rains a lot.

Because philodendrons do so well in areas with high humidity and lots of rain, they need the soil to be evenly moist. If the soil dries out, the plants can show stress symptoms like brown, drooping leaves. 

On the other hand, they can also have problems from too much watering if the soil is soggy instead of moist and doesn’t drain well.

To get philodendron to grow well in your home, you should water them often to make them feel like they are in their natural environment.

Water philodendron should be watered deeply enough so that water drips out of the holes in the base. Let the top two inches of soil dry out a bit before you water them again. One or two times a week, mist the leaves with water to make a humid environment that is like their natural home.

In most cases, this means giving your philodendron a good soak once a week. However, how often you should water it depends on where you live and how it grows in your home. Such things as:

The Humidity And Temperature Of Your Particular Climate

This size pot for the philodendron (smaller pots dry out faster than bigger pots)
What kind of weather changes the philodendron is subject to from air conditioning or heat sources.

The Capacity Of The Soil To Retain Moisture.

To figure out how often to water your philodendron in your area, use your finger to feel the top 2 inches of dirt to see how wet it is. Don’t water right away if the dirt is still wet. When the dirt in the top two inches feels a little dry, it’s time to give your philodendron a good soak.

To set a watering plan for your philodendrons that works with their needs, you will need to know how long it takes for the top two inches of their potting soil to feel slightly dry.

This is similar to how the dirt is usually wet in the philodendron’s natural habitat.

How To Tell If Your Not Watering Philodendron Often Enough

Because philodendrons grow in tropical soil that stays fairly moist, they are more likely to die from not getting enough water than from getting too much water.

The leaves of philodendrons can turn brown and hang down if you don’t water them enough. When there isn’t enough humidity, the edges of the leaves turn brown. If the plant is in a drafty place or near air conditioning, the browning can spread to the whole leaf.

If this happens to your philodendron, it’s clear that you need to water and mist it more often.

Philodendrons usually do well after not getting enough water as long as you soak the soil well and make sure it stays properly wet for a few days.

When you water the philodendron twice or three times, it should start to look better.

How To Tell If You Are Watering Philodendron Too Often

If your philodendron leaves are turning yellow and drooping, it’s because there is too much water around the root ball. This can happen if you water it too much, if you use soils that don’t drain well, if you use pots or containers without drainage holes in the bottom, or if you use saucers, trays, or decorative outer pots.

It’s more likely that the problem isn’t just too much drinking, but water that can’t get out of the bottom of the pot and pools around the roots.

Roots can’t breathe and work properly when there is too much water in the soil. This means that the roots can’t take in water and nutrients properly, which is why the philodendron leaves turn yellow and droop.

How often should you water your philodendron in the winter? Because there are fewer hours of light and less intense light, the plant may grow much more slowly in the winter.

This makes the philodendron plant need less water, so maybe water it less often in the winter. Just make sure the soil doesn’t dry out totally.

How often you water your philodendron in the winter depends on where you live. In some places, heat sources like forced air and heaters are needed in the winter, which can dry out the soil quickly.

Most of the time, watering your philodendron once every 10 days is enough to keep it healthy and prevent root rot.

Give the dirt a good soak as long as the top two inches feel a little dry. The philodendron should do very well. Also, because the air inside our homes can get very dry in the winter, you may need to mist your philodendron a little more often.

How Much To Water Philodendrons

There are many things that can change how often you should water your philodendron, but the amount of water you should use always stays the same.

When you water philodendrons, make sure they get a good soak and that water runs off the bottom of the pot.

This makes sure that the water has properly soaked into the dirt so that it is evenly wet and the roots can get the water they need.

Every time you water, give the plants a good soak. This also helps the roots grow well.

If you only water the top inch or so of the philodendron’s potted soil, the water doesn’t get to the roots deeper in the soil. This makes the leaves droop and turn brown, which is a sign of drought stress.

Varinder Pal Singh

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