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Self Help

How Manifestation Works


A lot of people have misconceptions about manifestation. I wanted to give you my belief behind manifestation and I would love to get your perception behind it as well.

When I think of manifesting it’s speaking things into existence. However, it’s not something you can just say and expect things just to happen. I believe if you say you’ll do something or say something would happen then you’ll start acting and finding out ways to make it happen.

Take for example Jim Carey. When he first started out in acting he wrote a million dollar check for himself. After acting for a few years he was able to cash it. He didn’t just sit down and say “I’m going to make a million dollars” every day. He gave himself visual manifestation and said it daily and mentally he started of thinking of ways to get in accomplished. Manifestation isn’t just asking the universe to bless you. She blesses those work towards the goals not those who are just laying around doing nothing.

Manifestation only works for those who put in the work behind it. It’s not just saying words. Manifestation is speaking the words out into the universe and when you say it enough it changes your mind and makes you believe you can and you’ll find ways to make it happen. So yes manifest your wildest dreams!

But what are your thoughts?



Kimberly Rae Jones

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