Jason Mraz is shining a spotlight on being part of the LGBTQ+ community.

The “Lucky” singer reflected on the road to coming out as bisexual in 2018.

“I had to play out a lot of other scenarios before I arrived here,” Jason recounted in an interview with GLADD published Nov. 13. “It’s both hard to do those and hard to unravel those, and what I’m basically describing is a divorce, you know? And that’s very hard. You carry a lot of shame and guilt.”

But these days, the musician is coming to terms with who he is while healing from his past.

“You want to heal as many relationships of the past as possible and, at the same time, step into this new acceptance and new identity or whatever I’m claiming,” Jason expressed, “and that’s also hard.”

Most importantly, the 46-year-old is glad to be recognized for his work, as he made it on Out magazine’s Out100 list this year—which highlights the most influential LGBTQ+ people.

Jason noted about his accomplishment: “It’s nice to be acknowledged.”

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