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How Can Publishers Break Into The eLearning Industry?


How Can Publishers Excel In The eLearning Industry?

Technology has taken over almost every aspect of our daily lives, posing serious perils for some industries. In this case, we’re talking about publishers who live with the fear of books being a relic of the past. This is why the publishing sector has been eyeing the possibility of innovation and, more specifically, breaking into the eLearning industry. Whether it’s eBooks, tutorials, videos, or online courses, eLearning products are just what publishers need during these times: a transformation. The benefits of this solution are pretty enticing, too. eLearning will not only give publishers a more expansive reach or the potential of a global audience, but also the flexibility and cost-efficiency necessary in a tech-driven world. So, without further ado, let’s explore all the options publishers have in this industry.

Innovative eLearning Ideas For Publishers


eBooks are not a new thing, but they are definitely here to stay. You may already create content for eBooks or turn your printed books into digital versions, but it would be a great idea to leverage the eLearning industry more. You can start by publishing eBooks that fit into that niche and using an eLearning platform to distribute them. Your books will be downloaded by a broader audience, and you’ll acquire a loyal group of customers who will prefer your publishing company for their eLearning needs. Plus, over time, you’ll notice that more and more professionals from that industry will turn to you to publish their work. This is a great opportunity to appeal to even more people and increase your brand awareness.

Educational Materials

Nowadays, students rarely carry heavy textbooks in their backpacks. Instead, they opt for digital textbooks, which have become particularly popular in the post-COVID era. Students don’t even need an internet connection to access them; they can download them on their preferred devices and study anywhere, anytime. As a publisher, you can tap into the convenience of digital textbooks and start distributing them yourself. For example, collaborate with educational facilities to be their exclusive provider of textbooks. Keep in mind that it’s best to consult with academics in that field when creating content for educational materials.

eLearning Courses

Consider offering eLearning courses to institutions, educators, or companies. To start, find the right Learning Management System where users can upload content, organize it, share it with their learners, and track their progress, all in the same space. Another option is to host workshops and seminars online. Invite industry thought leaders to share their insights and then promote your tie-in publications for further reading.

Multimedia Content

As a publisher, you have a hub of educational material based on books, whether printed or digital. However, you could expand your library with multimedia content. First, start producing videos on a variety of topics, from school subjects to cooking tutorials. Create a team of experts in video production and generate content with engaging storytelling and interactive options, like pop-up questions that move the lesson forward and act as a mini knowledge check. Similarly, you can create a podcast platform with educational podcasts that complement eBooks and digital textbooks or are entirely independent.


Apart from creating content that eLearning professionals can use to enrich their courses, you’re also able to help them assess their learners’ knowledge. Design interactive digital quizzes that are entertaining and give learners immediate feedback. Likewise, you can develop online exams to be used by various educational facilities, like schools, universities, or vocational training centers. To differentiate your assessments from those of your competitors, use adaptive testing algorithms. These analyze learner responses and adapt the exam’s difficulty and pace accordingly.

Gamification And VR/AR Elements

Gamification elements, in combination with Virtual and Augmented Reality features, can enrich your online courses and make them more appealing to your readers and learners. For example, imagine if your readers could momentarily immerse themselves in their favorite book through AR or VR on their devices. What if they could enter a mini-game about their favorite story and earn badges for their choices while simultaneously building soft skills? All of this can happen if you leverage learning technologies, bringing your publications to life.


The main difference between a traditional publisher and an eLearning publisher is leveraging technology. Modern publishers have a golden opportunity to use emerging tech to stay relevant in the digital era, and the eLearning industry is an evolving field with great potential to help publishers thrive. So, try our tips and begin your eLearning journey today.


Christopher Pappas

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